Chapter 13

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Hours turned into days. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. And the young brothers slowly became men. Also, of course, knights. Both had completed their education. Malcolm was now 18, making Angus a 13-year-old. Well...Malcolm had grown into a man. Angus still had a little time. Malcolm's wounds healed, becoming pale scars on his skin. In the past two years, the brothers had found themselves in a community they never thought they would be a part of. As young knights they were taken to balls, festivals and visits. But of course also, which wasn't very pleasant: Into the battles. Malcolm was still more concerned with protecting his brother than his king, but every knight knew that. And it was that time again. A battle was on. The Scots had their faces painted and mounted their horses in the castle. The foot soldiers were already waiting for them outside. The ladies-in-waiting had gathered and waved goodbye. Angus mounted Gibson and brushed a strand of his long curls from his face. Linda was there too. She looked worriedly after Malcolm. She was still deeply in love with the young man, but Malcolm either didn't seem to notice or didn't say anything, not wanting to disappoint her. Linda sighed softly as she watched the knights ride out of the castle.


The battle was bloody. Very bloody. Severed heads and limbs rolled on the floor. Bodies lay on top of each other and yet Angus tried to fight bravely. Bon was always on his heels because he had promised to protect the younger one. Angus was the youngest knight and the other knights made it a bit of a task to look after him since he was the baby. But cruel as the battle was, it soon ended. Men still lay on the floor, moaning and screaming in pain, but King George had won. The knights dismounted and looked around, grinning. They had won. Bon proudly put an arm around Angus' shoulders.

"You did well, Angus." Angus beamed as he wiped some blood from his face. Then he looked around.

"Where's Mal?" He asked, now a little worried. He hadn't seen his brother since the battle began and was very worried as Malcolm was usually the first to come to him after the battle. Bon looked around himself and put his sword in the saddlebag on his horse.

"I don't know Angus." Bon said concerned. Angus's eyes widened. He let go of Gibson's straps and began running across the battlefield in a panic. "Angus! Wait!" Bon called and ran after him along with Gibson and his own horse.

"Malcolm!" Angus yelled at the top of his lungs. Tears started running down his cheeks. "Mal! Where are you!?" He screamed for a few minutes until his voice cracked and he collapsed on the floor, screaming and shaking. Bon worriedly helped him up.

"We'll find him, Ang. Don't worry." Bon said, hoping to calm the younger one down.

"He's dead." Angus sobbed, burying his face in Bon's neck.

"You don't know that, Angus." Bon said quietly.

"He's dead!" Angus shrieked in a loud voice. "Otherwise he would have answered me!" Bon bit his lip hard. Angus was right. It wasn't long before a couple of men from the castle came to the battlefield. Shortly thereafter, Ida rode up to check on her husband, since the battle was over. She had Linda in tow. Linda rode quickly towards Bon and Angus. Angus was still sobbing. His voice sounded tortured as if he was in severe pain.

"Where's Malcolm?" Linda asked worriedly when she couldn't spot him among the knights. Angus still didn't answer and clung to Bon. Bon gently stroked his hair and tried to calm him down. "Where's Malcolm?" Linda repeated again, sounding quite angry this time.

"We don't know." Angus whimpered, looking up at her. "He's probably dead." Linda's eyes widened.

"No." She whispered softly. Tears welled up in her eyes, her heart beating hard in her chest. "No, that can't be, I...I didn't...I didn't tell him..." She breathed.

"What didn't you tell him?" Phil asked, walking towards her, wiping his sword on a rag.

"That I love him." Linda breathed. A single tear ran down her cheek. Bon lifted his head and gave her a pitying look. "He can't...he can't be gone." She swallowed hard. "Where is...where is his...his body?" She asked, her lips trembling badly.

"We don't know." Bon sighed, wiping a tear from his own cheek. Phil bit his lip before shouting:

"Hey! Hamish! You've seen Malcolm somewhere!?" The redheaded, elderly man with a beard turned his head and looked at Phil. They stood about 50 meters apart.

"I saw him last just before the battle ended!" He yelled, running towards the blond.

"Was he dead?" Angus asked quietly. Hamish shook his head.

"No. He was fine. He saved my life."

"Where did you see him?" Linda asked quietly. Hamish stretched out his arm and pointed to a crest. The friends ran there immediately. There were a few more bodies beyond the knoll. Also a horse. It was Gretsch. He was dead on the floor. Gibson whimpered sadly and poked his brother's neck with his nose. Angus swallowed hard. He knew how his horse felt now.

"That's his horse." Bon whispered, biting his lip. Linda felt more tears in her eyes.

"It can't be." She sobbed. Phil looked around a bit and gasped.

"What is it?" Bon asked. Phil silently pointed to an enemy knight. Linda gasped. She walked towards the body and realized that there was still a human underneath. She pried the enemy's corpse and tossed him aside in disgust before gasping for air. Malcolm. He was lying under the body. He was covered in blood, though they didn't yet know if it was his own. His eyes were closed, his hair spread around his head. Linda fell to her knees sobbing. Her hands trembled over his body. Angus just sobbed harder into Bon's chest and clung to him.

"No." Linda whimpered and stroked his cheek trembling. It was still warm. "I... Malcolm. I love you." She began to sob loudly and laid her head on his chest, hugging his body tightly. "I love you so much." She sobbed and kept raising her head to look at his face, but his beautiful eyes stayed closed. "I love you. You can't go now." She sniffed loudly. "You can't leave me alone, Malcolm. You stole my heart, you...I love you." Phil knelt down and put a worried hand on her shoulder. "You can't leave me." She whimpered. It was quiet for quite a while. Only sobs from the friends could be heard before there was a loud cough. Linda immediately raised her head. Malcolm shifted weakly and rolled onto his side before continuing to cough, blood trickling from his lips. "Malcolm! Oh God, Malcolm!" Linda sobbed, clutching his body. She pulled him onto her lap so his head was resting on her thigh and he could look up at her. He smiled at her with a cracked under lip and reached up his shaky, dirty hand to stroke her cheek.

"I love you too." He breathed in a hoarse voice. Linda felt more tears in her eyes. But this time they weren't because of grief. She smiled and leaned into his touch before placing her hand over his and stroking it gently.

"Why didn't you ever say it?" She whispered. "It's been two years."

"I thought we...we weren't ready for a relationship." Malcolm breathed.

"You're not dead." They suddenly heard a weak male voice. Angus fell to his knees beside him and clung to his brother as well. Malcolm gasped.

"Slow down." He chuckled weakly. "I'm not dead, but I'm injured. Damn." He narrowed his eyes. "I think I fainted. I fell off my horse and then someone fell on me. I can't remember any more." Angus sobbed and clutched at him.

"I can't lose you, Mal."

"I love you, Ang." Malcolm breathed. Angus chuckled.

"Love you too, Mal."

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