Chapter 7

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Okay, this isn't that good I guess, but I'm trying to get into writing again. Leave comments on what you think, please. :)

Thank you for encouraging me ka-boomhauer <3

When Malcolm woke up the next morning, he got dressed, made a fire and tended the animals. Then he repaired the roof. At some point he came back into the house and made something to eat. Semolina porridge. Since he hadn't hunted anything the previous day. He sat down on the bed and shook Angus' shoulder.

"Wake up, Ang. Your breakfast is on the table." Angus yawned loudly and stretched. Then he got up. He bumped into Bon, who woke up screaming.

"Oh. Good morning, Bon." Angus mumbled and walked to the table. Bon gasped heavily.

"Hey. Everything's fine, Bon." Malcolm hummed. "All is well. I'll give you something to eat and then we have to check your wounds, okay?" Bon nodded lazily. Malcolm slowly helped him up. Bon leaned against the wall again, by Angus' side of the bed. Angus ate his porridge and watched the two of them. Malcolm sat in front of him and fed Bon, who grimaced when he saw the semolina. "I know you're used to better food, Bon. But we have nothing left. I have to go hunting today and then we can cook something else. But we don't have anything else right now." Bon nodded a little. Malcolm fed him the porridge. He set the bowl aside and then got a bucket of water that he had warmed up a little beforehand. With the lukewarm water he carefully began to wash Bon's upper body and arms. Bon watched him lazily. He hissed softly as the water hit the injuries. "It's fine." Malcolm comforted and briefly stroked Bon's hand. "Would you rather wash your legs yourself?" Malcolm asked, looking up at him.

"It's okay." Bon whispered. Malcolm nodded and pushed Bon's kilt up. Then he started washing his legs. When Bon was clean, Malcolm carefully laid him on the bed.

"Take a break. Angus will stay with you." Bon nodded weakly.

"Thank you." He breathed. Malcolm smiled a little. He started to leave the house, but Angus grabbed his arm.

"You haven't eaten yet, Mal." He said. Malcolm looked into his brother's green eyes for a long time without saying anything. Bon, who was now lying on his side, watched the two of them.

"I have eaten something. Before I woke you up." Malcolm said.

"That's not true. You know that. You haven't eaten anything. Like yesterday and the day before yesterday." Malcolm swallowed.

"I'm not hungry, Angus."

"That's not true either, Mal. You haven't eaten anything for three days. You're hungry."

"Angus, I...we don't have much food left." He then said quietly: "I really have to kill an animal today, otherwise we'll have a problem."

"Why didn't you take half of mine?"

"You need the food. Just like Bon. So I skipped the meal." Malcolm shrugged. "Don't expect me before evening." With that he went into the stable. After a few minutes, Angus watched as Malcolm rode into the woods. The little one sighed.

"He gave me his food?" Bon asked weakly. Angus nodded slightly and sat down next to Bon. "He didn't have to do that."

"Rest, Bon." Angus murmured, taking a chair in front of him.

"Where are your parents?" Bon asked weakly. His hand was shaking badly. Angus took it carefully in his and held it tightly.

"We have no parents. This house belonged to an old woman named Maria. She and Mal raised me. She died when I was four. I almost can't remember her anymore. Mal told me she took us in. I don't know where our parents are. I don't know why we're alone either."

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