Chapter 10

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The next morning Angus woke up yawning. He straightened his body and looked around the cave. The horses no longer slept, but just lay there waiting for their masters to wake up. Angus turned his head to the side and looked at Malcolm. The older one was still lying on his back, his mouth slightly open, his eyes still closed. Angus yawned and wiped his eyes before covering Malcolm's mouth with a shaking hand. Luckily he felt a draft. Malcolm just passed out.

"Mal?" He whispered softly, shaking his shoulder. The older one lay motionless for quite a while before opening his eyes a little and looking at him weakly. Angus smiled gently at him. He had a piece of bread in his hand and he was tearing off small pieces which he formed into small balls and pressed them to Malcolm's lips. "Here. Eat something." Malcolm swallowed the small balls of bread. Angus smiled and held some water to his lips. "Where are we going now?"

"I don't know." Malcolm rasped in a hoarse voice. Angus sighed softly and looked out of the cave.

"If only we knew where to find Bon."


Four days later, they were still out. Nothing had changed. Except that Malcolm was now riding the horse in front of Angus and the younger was holding him as the older one could no longer sit up on his own. He was getting weaker by the day, fighting for consciousness every minute. Angus knew he would pass out again every few minutes. They were in a vast country that neither of them knew. They had never been here before. It was a beautiful forest and the trail was clean. Which meant they were on their way to a town as the trail looked much used.

"We're almost there, Mal." Angus whispered to him. "I don't know where we are, but I'm sure someone will be able to help you. Hold on." Malcolm just let out a weak groan. They rode further down the path when suddenly someone jumped onto the road in front of them. Before long, they were surrounded by men with swords, bows, and spears trained on them. Angus panicked, as did the horses, who whined and almost bolted, but Angus was able to hold them back.

"You are in King George's kingdom." One of the Scots growled. They wore kilts and shirts. Angus' eyes widened when he realized that the colours of their skirts were the same as Bon's.

"We are..." Angus was cut off as the men dragged him off his horse and one slapped him in the face. Angus gasped at the pain and blood began to spurt from his nose.

"Quiet! You have nothing to say here! William! Tie them both together!" Shouted one of the guards. Angus tried to fight back, but the guards were stronger. They tied his hands together.

"James, these are still children." Said a man with blond long hair as he lifted Malcolm from the horse and carried him in his arms. "Don't treat them like that, they certainly won't harm the king."

"You don't know that Phil." Growled James, the leader of the guards who had hit Angus. "Tie them to a horse and take them with you. We'll take them to the fortress."

"He can't walk." Phil said, pointing at Malcolm who was lying unconscious in his arms. James glared at him. He was an old and scarred man. He was blunt and not at all loving. Angus swallowed as he took a closer look at him. He had probably seen so many battles that he didn't care if anyone was in pain. James pulled Malcolm out of Phil's arms and threw him on the floor. Malcolm's eyes shot open and his mouth opened to scream, but no sound left his lips. His eyes were wide open as blood began seeping through the bandages again.

"Mal!" Angus yelled as tears began to trickle down his cheeks and he made to move towards him, but the guards held him back. James walked up to Phil and snarled angrily at the young man.

"I know you are very young and feel compassion. But I am your commander and you will do as I command you! Tie them to your horse and drag this one behind you!" Phil paled and nodded a little. So Malcolm and Angus were tied to the saddle and they rode off. Angus ran after him as fast as he could as he was being pulled by his arms while Malcolm screamed in pain as he was being dragged across the floor.

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