Chapter 14

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A great festival was celebrated that evening. People laughed, drank, ate and danced. George was happy to finally see his castle folk happy again. Cheerful music echoed through the great hall where the banquet was held. Linda sat with the damsels and kept glancing over at Malcolm, who was sitting with the knights, laughing at something someone said as he leaned across the table and poured more wine into his goblet. Linda smiled at him, her gaze softening. God, how she loved him.

"Well?" Heather grinned. "Did he finally say it?" Heather was also a damsel and had been friends with Linda since they were children. Linda turned her head and giggled a little.

"Yes." She said quietly.

"Oho. Girls, did you hear that?" Heather called out, drawing the attention of all the ladies-in-waiting. Linda blushed and looked down at her plate. "Malcolm finally told her." The girls giggled and offered congratulations while a few hugged Linda. Linda giggled and looked back at Malcolm only to find that the older one already had his eyes on her. He held his goblet in his hand and smiled at her before raising the goblet. Linda took her goblet as well and raised it before they both drank while looking at each other.

"Somebody's in love." Hummed Allis, sitting next to Linda, elbowing her. Linda giggled.


The boys:

The men were similar, laughing and talking loudly while they ate and drank. Angus was already on his second plate of food, and some of the knights were making bets on how much the younger would eat. Bon raised his goblet, put his arm around Malcolm and called out to them:

"Let's drink to Malcolm and Linda!" The men laughed, also raising their goblets and clinking glasses before drinking. Malcolm blushed and giggled a little.

"Man, I thought you'd never bring yourself to tell her." Phil laughed, sitting across from Malcolm. Malcolm blushed even more. Bon started laughing.

"Neither did I, dude. I felt a little sorry for Linda. For two years, every day, she gave him hints. He just didn't get it." Malcolm chuckled a little and bit into a chicken foot. Beside him, Angus was still eating while Hamish cheered him on. Malcolm grinned and turned to look at Bon.

"Thanks again for everything." Bon's eyes softened and he smiled gently at the younger one. "Thank you for letting us stay and for taking us in." The curly haired man pulled Malcolm into a tight hug.

"You're my buddy. Of course I wouldn't abandon you somewhere in the woods." Malcolm smiled.



It was getting late in the evening, it was already dark outside, many had already left the banquet when Linda suddenly noticed that Bon, Angus, Malcolm and Phil were getting up. Craning her neck to see the four leave the room, she quickly jumped up and ran after them. The young men ran laughing through the castle corridors, out into the courtyard. Linda followed them only to be shocked to see them running up the castle battlements. Now they stood on top of the wall and looked out of the castle. The castle gate was open and a few guards stood guard there. Linda's eyes widened as she saw the boys begin to undress. They took off their boots and pulled their shirts over their heads. But only one of the four caught her attention.


The boys:

"Come on guys! This is going to be fun!" Phil exclaimed, laughing as he pulled his kilt tighter around his waist.

"I don't know how that's supposed to be fun." Malcolm murmured doubtfully, leaning over the battlements and looking down. Phil gave him a shove and Malcolm clung to the wall, shrieking, making the boys laugh. Malcolm glared at them.

"You're such a scared chicken, Mal!" Angus exclaimed, laughing.

" 'Am not!" Malcolm exclaimed indignantly. Bon chuckled at the two younger ones.

"Come on, it's gonna be fun."

"Have you done this before?" Phil asked, looking over at him. Bon grinned at him.

"More than once. But it's been a while."

"Why do we have to do this?" Malcolm whined. The friends laughed at him. Angus suddenly gasped and pointed down at the bridge.

"Look! There's Linda! She's watching us!" He shouted excitedly. Malcolm groaned in frustration.

"Now you can't stay here, dude." Bon laughed and patted him on the shoulder. "Here we go! You'll see, it's great fun!"



Bon was the first to jump into the moat, laughing. Linda's eyes widened. Were the four crazy!? That was dangerous! You could die doing it! She quickly ran out onto the bridge, past the guards, and took a breath of relief when Bon swam in the moatm and shouted up to his friends:

"The water is not cold at all! Are you coming or what!?" Next, Phil jumped and landed next to Bon with a loud smack. Linda giggled as she sat on the bridge, her legs dangling in the air. Angus followed shortly thereafter, shrieking like mad as he flew in the air. He appeared coughing next to Bon, who laughed at him.

"Come on Mal! Now it's your turn!" Phil shouted, grinning up the castle wall. Malcolm was still standing on the wall. Linda could see him perfectly in the moonlight. The only thing covering him was his kilt, which was now the same colour as Bon's.

"Come on Mal! You're a scared chicken!" Angus laughed. "Bog! bog! Bog!" The youngest made chicken noises. Malcolm sighed before taking a running start and flying through the air, his skirt flying up. Because of the darkness, however, one could still see nothing. He landed in the water with a loud splash. It was a short while before he reappeared and the boys were laughing madly. Linda wondered if they were really sober. She watched as the boys splashed each other a little more and pushed each other into the water before coming out and walking towards her to get back into the castle. Her eyes widened as she saw Malcolm's body in the torchlight. He had gotten a lot bigger since the day he got here and she had nursed him. Small drops of water rolled down his wet chest as he grinned and wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her tightly to him. Linda blushed a little but put her hand on his chest and smiled at him.

"Let's go in, honey." He hummed, following his friends who had already gone in. Linda giggled and leaned into him as they walked through the castle gate. Bon and Phil were already off to do another stupid idea, with Angus in tow. Malcolm got his clothes and put his boots back on before pulling his shirt down over his wet torso. Linda bit her lip hard when she could see his nipples through the white shirt, as it was cold. Malcolm pulled her tight again and hummed softly as they sat down on a flight of stairs.

"I love you." She whispered, laying her head back on his chest. Malcolm chuckled a little and kissed her head. Both of them were still a little overwhelmed and didn't really know what to do to show the other how much they loved them without scaring them off. They sat in awkward silence for a while before hearing Phil call out from the garden:

"Malcolm! Come on! Bon has a new idea! He's gone mad, dude!" Malcolm giggled and stood up. He kissed Linda awkwardly on the forehead. She smiled up at him.

"Don't mess around and don't put yourself in danger." She giggled and kissed him softly. Malcolm smiled.

"Wouldn't think of it." Linda watched as Malcolm ran into the garden, Phil jumping onto his shoulders, laughing. Their voices grew quiet before fading into the distance. Linda smiled and got up to make her way to her room. Today had been a special day. Even though it had started badly, it had ended well, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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