Chapter 8

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This one is short, but I promise the next one will be longer. It's just for me to get back into it again.

A month later, Bon was doing much better. His wounds were almost completely healed and his body regained strength. He helped the brothers a lot around the house and also with the animals. Everything seemed perfect, but Bon knew he had to go back. Back to his uncle, who must have assumed he was dead. Somehow, however, he didn't want to leave. With the two brothers he felt a feeling that he had never felt before. Love, family and security. And he didn't want to give up that feeling. 

One evening, all three were sitting at the table eating soup for dinner. Bon picked at his soup a little uncomfortably and kept looking up to watch the younger ones. Angus scooped up the food while Malcolm ate slowly, seemingly deep in thought. Bon cleared his throat a little.

"I have to tell you something, I..." He swallowed.

"You have to go." Malcolm said calmly, looking up at him. "Am I right?" Bon bit his lip and nodded.

"Yes." He whispered softly. "I want to leave in the morning." Malcolm gave him a small smile. Angus, however, stared wide-eyed.

"No!" He shouted angrily. "You can't go! You are my brother! You're my only friend, you..." Bon reached across the table and gently took Angus' hand in his. He smiled encouragingly at the younger one.

"I'm sorry Angus. But I really have to go back. Thank you for everything you have done for me. But I have to get back to my uncle." Angus felt tears in his eyes. He jumped up and ran out of the hut. The door stayed open behind him. Malcolm sighed. He got up and took his and Angus plates to a bucket of water to wash them off.

"Malcolm?" Bon asked concerned. Malcolm looked up and smiled a little.

"I knew you would be leaving soon. Angus will get over it. You're his only friend, you know?" Malcolm stood up and looked at him. "He's never met anyone other than me and Maria, so you're special to him." Bon swallowed and looked down at his lap.

"You could come with me." He said then. Malcolm smiled a little.

"That's very kind of you, Bon. But...Angus and I belong here, you know?" Bon nodded slightly.


The next morning, they saddled a horse for Bon that they had found alone in the woods three weeks earlier. It had probably run away from a battle, having been saddled. Angus cried and hugged Bon tightly. Bon smiled at him sadly. Malcolm stood in the doorway of the house and watched the two of them. Angus withdrew.

"I'll miss you, Bon." He murmured. Bon smiled a little.

"I'll miss you too, Angus. But maybe we'll meet again sometime." Angus nodded, smiling. Bon walked up to Malcolm and hugged him, as he pulled away noticing, as he often did, the necklace that was around Malcolm's neck, since the younger one was shirtless. Bon took the locket in his hand and took a closer look at it.

"Where did you get this from anyway, Malcolm?" Bon asked, looking up at him. Malcolm smiled a little. "Your story isn't that of farm boys, is it?" Malcolm chuckled a little and shook his head. Bon smiled a little. "I'll miss you two."

"Who knows, maybe we'll see each other again sometime." Malcolm pulled his little brother to him and they watched as Bon rode away. When he had disappeared the way around the bend, they went into the house. Angus cried as he sat down on the bed. "Why are you crying?" Malcolm asked confused.

"I miss him. He was my best friend." Angus sobbed. Malcolm sighed and put an arm around him.

"You always meet twice in life, Ang. I'm sure we'll see Bon again."

"Are you sure?" Angus sniffed and looked at him with tears in his eyes. Malcolm gave him an encouraging smile and nodded firmly.

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