Chapter 11

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Malcolm groaned weakly as they carried him up the stairs.

"It's going to be fine, Mal." Angus murmured, gripping his hand. Bon watched with concern.

"Phil. Slow down." He said angrily. The blonde looked at him questioningly. "You'll hurt him if you run up the stairs so fast." Phil blushed a little and nodded. Soon they arrived in a room. Angus marveled at how clean and beautiful it was. Malcolm was laid on the bed and a girl was already standing there. She wore a simple orange dress and Angus quickly realized that she must have been one of the maids. She had long brown hair and also brown eyes and smiled at the boys. Angus guessed she was about his age. Bon smiled at the girl as well. "This is Linda. She works in the kitchen and she'll take care of Malcolm, as long as he's sick." He said. Angus nodded, still perplexed as he had rarely seen girls, but he was pretty sure this had to be one of the most beautiful in the world. Phil said goodbye and left the room. "Come on Ang. We should...we should go. Linda's fine with Mal." Angus was still standing in the room, staring wide-eyed down at his brother. Only now had his mind realized that Malcolm was dying. He would have died if the patrol hadn't taken them here.

"No, Bon, I...I want to stay with Mal." He said, looking up at the taller one.

"We can check in later. You should wash up, change into something clean and eat something, Angus." Bon said worried. Angus turned his head to Malcolm again.

"Go." The older one whispered weakly. "I'll still be here later." Bon chuckled a little. Angus nodded and the two made their way out of the room, closing the heavy wooden door behind them. Linda placed a bucket of water by the bed and looked down at Malcolm. "So your name is Linda?" Malcolm asked quietly. She smiled and nodded.

"Yes. Who are you?" She asked as she rolled him onto his side.

"M...Malcolm...ah!" Malcolm let out a cry of pain as she began to unwrap the makeshift bandage from his torso.

"Sorry." She said. But something in her voice made Malcolm think she wasn't that sorry after all. When the wound was exposed, you could tell it was ovulating. It didn't smell nice and she didn't look good either. Malcolm bit his lip hard as Linda began cleaning the minor wounds from dragging behind the horse. Her hands worked gently and Malcolm relaxed a little again. "How old are you?" She suddenly asked into the silence. Malcolm turned his head slightly and met her ebony eyes.

"16." He murmured. She smiled.

"I'm 14. I work in the kitchen, like Bon said." She said a little proudly. "What are you doing here? Where do you come from?"

"I...I'm a farm boy. I found Bon a few months ago. He was badly injured. Angus and I took care of him so he could go back home. A week ago we were attacked and our house and fields were burned. They killed our cattle. We...ah...shit." Malcolm let out a curse and inhaled sharply as Linda cleaned the arrow wound.

"I'm sorry, but it has to be done." She said quietly. Malcolm took a deep breath and tried to calm down himself. "And now you're here?" Linda asked, looking at him curiously. Malcolm had to chuckle a little. She seemed very inquisitive and not at all like most girls who were described by Bon.

"Yes." He nodded. "Ah!" He bit his lip hard again. "Are you having fun torturing me or what!?" He gasped as fresh blood ran out of the wound and Linda carefully wiped it away.

"No." She giggled. "I'm trying to be as gentle with you as possible. You're just a cry baby." Malcolm glared at her, which made her giggle. When she was done with her work, she put on a new bandage and covered it up. "Rest. I think Bon will come back later. You need rest." Just as she was walking out the door, she heard a faint:

"Thanks, Linda." Linda smiled a little as she closed the door behind her, cheeks flushing. This boy was so cute. His hair, his body, his demeanour and most of all... (Linda closed her eyes smiling) ...his eyes. They took her breath away. They were green like the pine forest and so piercing. Sure he was ill, so his eyes weren't wide open, but Linda smiled imagining how special they must look when he was healthy.

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