Chapter 8: She what?!

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After they talked about the project a bit and what else has happened the past few years, Peter left to Neverland. But not after getting a huge unexpected motherly hug from Mrs. Darling, of course. Peter usually volunteers at Neverland every week as a tutor for the kids and tell them little stories or he just hung out with his friends. It was both today.

"Hi, Ms. Fauna!" Before she could tell him about her Wendy encounters, he was already at the playground. The kids saw him and giggled amongst them selves. For what reason? He didn't know. They rushed over to him and sat in a circle around him. "Hi, Peter!" They welcomed in unison. Suspicious. Very suspicious. His brows creased and he opened his mouth to ask what they were hiding but Flynn and Aladdin walked in. "Sup, Pete!" Flynn said. Peter laughed a bit and they sat next to him. "So uh, someone came over yesterday," Aladdin started. Peter's eyes were on the kids as he told them to get their homework and a flat surface and pencil and then he responded, not giving it any thought. "Really? Someone's getting adopted or somethin'?"

The kids came back with small smirks and Peter got more suspicious. "No, it was someone who was already adopted," Flynn answered. "Really? Was it Arthur? I'm glad he got away from that 'father and brother' of his. They deserved to be in jail." He rolled his eyes as he remembered the bruises Arthur had when he first arrived at the orphanage. "Arthur is fine, but no, it wasn't him." Peter pondered. "They talked to the kids, and they love her btw." (Yes, he said B. T. W.-) Peter was in deep thought now. "Her..." he said to himself as he thought. "Snow?" Flynn shook his head. "Elena?" Aladdin put out a thumbs down. Now Peter was frustrated. "Ooh! Ooh! Can we tell him?" One of the kids asked. "Not yet, bud. Let's give some hints."

"She goes to our school." Peter rolled his eyes. "They all got to our school!"
"She has dark hair."
"That's like half of the girls!"
"Also true."
"She likes blue."
"And she's slightly old fashion."

Peter's mouth dropped as he guessed. Wendy. "She what?!" All the kids laughed and held onto their sides. "She said you guyses were best friendses!" A boy shouted out before erupting into more laughs. "Wendy told us stories of you being a stubborn little boy and something about not wanting to wear a tie?" Aladdin laughed out, now on the grass with the toddlers. "She told me and Flynn a lot, too!" Peter was flushed. "Well she was my first ever friend so...we had a lot of good times here." He looked at the playground as if he could see the younger Wendy and Peter playing spies, Peter chasing Wendy with a stick that was supposed to be a water gun. The image made him smile and his heart warmth. He loved her...not in that way! Of course not! That's 'absurd' as Wendy would say!

Peter cleared his throat and stuttered out, "We kids, let's start with math, 'kay?" He could clearly hear the snickers from Flynn and Aladdin, and from the kids in front of him, especially Lilo. "Oh, Lily, shush. We all know you got a thing for Wendy's bro, Micheal," Peter teased. That shut her up. The kids (mostly Stich) 'ooh'ed as she pouted, but the pink tint on her cheeks were very visible.

After he helped the kids and his friends went to do their own homework, Peter slipped away to the garden. As the door shut behind him, a dragonfly landed on his nose and he looked at it cross eyed, then he sneezed. He could have sworn he heard a familiar laugh that suspiciously sounded like 7 year old Wendy's. He smiled and walked over to the stairs after petting a bunny or two. He looked at the drawing board and did a double take. A sketched out blue bird that wasn't there last week hung up by a pin and his mouth formed into a big toothy bright smile. Wendy.

I am SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT OF THESE LAST TWO CHAPTERS! Thank you for to patience!!

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