Chapter 3: Disney High

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Wendy looked at her self in the mirror, fixing the skirt of her dress, tucking the necklace under the fabric on her chest.

Wendy looked at her self in the mirror, fixing the skirt of her dress, tucking the necklace under the fabric on her chest

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She decided to put black leggings underneath and fix her signature bow. "There! All tidy for the first day of school!"

She happily walked down to the kitchen where her mother was plating eggs and potato wedges, with a side of toast and a glass of apple juice. "Look who has a pep in their step this morning! You look lovely, my darling! Come, eat! Your brother should be down soon."

As right on cue, the Darling brothers hopped down the face, gleefully. "Well, looks like all my darlings have a pep in their step today, lovely!" They all sat down and started to eat. Wendy looked around for any sign of my father being home, but couldn't find one. "Mother? Does father already have to be at the bank? We just got here," She asked. Mary slightly saddens in the face, but answers her daughter's concerns. "Yes, my dear, he is but he wishes you three good luck for school!" John sighed. "Nothing new..." He placed his table and cup in the sink, Wendy and Michael following the action. Before Mary could say anything, the children threw their shoes an backpacks on and headed out the door. Wendy held Michael's hand and he looked up to his sister. "Wendy? Why doesn't father be home all the times?"

Her heart broke. She forced a smile. "He's just trying to provide for us Michael, so we can have nice things. That's all..." John walked in front of the younger siblings. "I'll met you at the school, Wendy. You go ahead to the high school while I drop of Michael." John took hold of Michael's hand and walked across the street. Wendy sighed as she stepped onto school grounds, feeling awkward with no one to hang with. She started walking around, looking for Flynn and Aladdin, whistling her and Peter's old favorite song. They called it "following the leader", they would always play Simon says or just randomly sing it. She stopped when she heard someone whistle the tone from behind her, her body turning to ice. She slowly turned behind her, seeing a boy with a green beanie pilled over a mop of orange hair and a green leather jacket paired with black jeans and green Converses. She stared at him, confusion written on her face. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

He looked the girl in front of him over. Sky blue, brown hair, adorable freckles, blue bow, brown eyes. Was she..? No, she left...right? Time to test it out. He breathed out shakily and whispered enough for her to hear. "Following the leader, the leader, the leader," he started.

Wendy teared up with a mini inward gasp. She decided to continue the song, shakily, barely making the words out. "We're following the wherever he may go," She couldn't say anything more and placed her hands over her mouth in shock. Yes, she thought he might possibly be in the same school, but what were the actual chances? "W...Wendy?" Peter asked unsure. She smiled and nodded. "Hi, Peter." She barely got the words out. "Oh my, God!" He exclaimed, crashing into her, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. She chuckled and cried at the same time. It felt like the longest hug on Earth, even though it was really only twelve seconds. Peter saw the chain on her neck and tugged it from out of her shirt. He saw the acorn and smiled, pulling out the thimble he wore daily. Wendy pulled away, sniffling with a bright smile as she saw his necklace. He grinned softly as he wiped her tears. "Oh my gosh, look at you! You've gotten so tall! You look good! You must have a girlfriend, huh?" She teased him.

"Damn right, he does!"

They turned to see a a petite figured girl, like petite-er than Wendy with short blond hair and a yellow-green mini skirt and crop top with yellow-green ballet flats, with matching sharp green eyes.

Peter POV

I was so caught up in Wendy that I totally forgot all about Tink until Wendy asked me if I had a girlfriend! I was gonna open my mouth to respond but Tink did it for me.

"Damn right, he does!" We turned to see my slightly annoyed and jealous girlfriend standing with her arms crossed and eyes narrowed at Wendy. Wendy noticed this, of course, but being well, Wendy, she gave a big smile and put out her hand to Tink. "Hi! I'm Wendy! I'm assuming you're Peter's girlfriend!" Tink "smiled" at Wendy. "Charmed, finally meeting the famous Wendy Moira Angelica! I'm Tink Bell, and yes, I am Peter's girlfriend!" Tink snapped. Wendy still smiled, courageous and kind as always as one of the orphanage staff named Cinderella used to say. (See what I did there?) I smiled at Wendy and Tink. "Actually, it's Wendy Angelia Moira and I'm sure Peter never talked about me that much!"

I saw Tink roll her eyes and whisper to herself. "I doubt it." I tried to hide my blush and smile. Wendy tilted her head like a cute toddler with confusion and questioned. "What was that?" Tink shook her head and grabbed ahold of Wendy's out strech hand. "Nothing at all!"

"WENDY! WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard a male voice yell. I looked towards Wendy with a smirk, but for some reason I had a strange feeling in my stomach as I asked her, "Boyfriend of yours, Bird?" she chuckled and looked down with a smile. "No, uh, my brother, I should probably go find him, but uh, we'll catch up later, Lost Boy?" I nodded. "For sure!" She smiled to Tink and waved to me. After a little distance, she yelled out. "John! I'm over here!" John must be her brother.


I winced. Right, Tink...I turned to her, her taping her foot and arms crossed. "What, I've known her since I was three! I haven't seen her since I was seven! She was my first best friend, we even shared a room!" Tink sighed. "Fine, fine. Fine... Put looking at her outfit, she'll need my wonderful guidance." She winked and walked of to her friends. I sighed as I walked to my own friends.

"Tink?" I nodded. "Wendy?" I started to nod but stopped half way. "How did you-?" Flynn put his hands up in defense. "I mean, by the way you describe her, she matches the description! Blue dress, blue bow, adorable freckles, beautiful pink lips, cute button nose-" Flynn teased until he was shoved in the shoulder by my elbow. "Oh, shut up! I didn't describe her like that! Even if I did, she was six and a half that last I saw her."

Wendy POV

"Wendy! There you are! Where were you?" I couldn't help but smile even bigger. "I saw Peter!" He looked bug eyed. "Peter? Like as in Peter from the orphanage Peter?" I nodded excitedly. "That Peter!" He smirked. "You guys kissed or something?" I smacked his arm. "Oh my, goodness no! Besides he has a girlfriend!" He chuckled. "She cute?" I rolled my eyes. "She's was quite annoyed by me and Peter reuniting." John shrugged. "Girls." I made a face and slapped him in the chest. "How rude!" He laughed and stopped, eyes some near by girls. I rolled my eyes again as the bell rang.

Thanks for the support from : Am25008

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