Chapter 2: Neverland Orphanage

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"Wendy, my darling! Come down please, I need you to come with me for a few errands while the boys go get Nana from the airport!" Wendy did as wanted and met her mother in the new green and soft blue color themed kitchen. While her mother went to get her coat. Wendy read the list  to her self in mumbles. "Clothes shopping, Food shopping, Wendy's surprise, wait-" Her mother walked in with a purple-ly pink coat on, she turned her head towards her. "Wait, mother, what is "Wendy's surprise"?" Her mother smugly smiled. "You'll see," is all she said. 

After shopping until they almost dropped, they plopped into the new silver family car Mr. Darling bought while the furniture was getting settled by the movers yesterday.

But Mrs

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But Mrs. Darling perked up in a snap. "Alright, surprise time! Close your eyes with your hands and no looking what so ever!" Wendy obeyed, tickled by her mother's enthusiasm. It was about a ten minute drive, which meant there destination is five minutes away from the place they now call home. When the car came to a stop, "No peeking! I'll lead you!" Her mother helped her out of the car and lead her to a gate entrance. "Okay, open!" Wendy took her hands from her eyes and throw them to her mouth as she saw the building sign that read,

"Never Land: Orphanage and Elementary school"

Her eyes watered as she looked at her mother, silently asking for permission. Her mother nodded with a gentle smile and Wendy took off running through the front doors of the building. She came to a stop when she saw a woman in green who was about forty years old, shooing a child off to the playground with a warm smile. She turned to Wendy and stopped mid-sentence. "Welcome to Never Land, orphanage and elementa-.....oh, dear me, I'm sorry! You just look like someone I knew!" Wendy stepped forward to Ms. Fauna and smiled. "Hello, Ms. Nanny, how are you?" Fauna gasped, hands to her mouth. "Wendy? Oh dear child, I haven't seen your for ages! Look how you've grown!" Wendy chuckled and hugged her old guardian. She hugged her back with joy. 

After they pulled away, she sniffled. "Oh! How has the family been?" Wendy smiled again, a little brighter than before. "It's wonderful! I have an older brother, John, who is hilarious and my father who is a very clumsy but intelligent man, a little brother who is the most sweetest and kindest seven year old you will ever meet, and they got me a dog and I named her Nana in memory of you, and my mother is just so loving! Oh, mother! She brought me here! Mother!" She turned to she her mother with a loving smile. She was happy to see her daughter connect with her oldest role model. She stepped over to the two and smiled and Ms. Fauna. "Good to see you again, Ms. Darling!" Mary Darling nodded. "As you, Ms. Fauna." Wendy smiled at the scene. "Ms. Nanny, can I go to my garden?" Wendy asked like she did all those years ago. Ms. "Nanny" smiled and nodded, heart to mush. 

Wendy smiled one more time an ran to the old door, covered by vines. She peeked around and the coast was clear. She hulled the door open and smiled. She entered and closed the door. It was still there. The wood that made up the tree house was a tad darker but other than that, it was almost exactly the same. New strawberries were growing, the bunnies from years ago were there but with their own bunnies, and dragon flies danced around in the air. She smiled with glee as her former bunny and now rabbit friends ran, well hopped up to her. she sat down and played with a bunny that would thump his foot when she scratched behind his ear. She giggled at it and declared his new and only name. "I'll call you Thumper." She kissed his little head and stood up. She walked to the tree house, bunnies and rabbits following behind her. She laughed when she saw them hop up the stairs. The tire swing chair rope was still intact, looking not even once used since she was gone. She sat down. She still fitted in it! She looked across from her and saw Peter's beanbag chair, but greener and bigger. 

Hmm, he got a new one...he got adopted though, right?

 Her thinking was disrupted by the bunnies piling up in the bean bag chair. She smiled and looked to the drawing broad they made as kids. The pictures were still there. She sat up and walked over to the seat and grabbed a paper and a pencil. She sketched out a blue bird in detail and pinned it to the board. She smiled weakly and walked out. She hugged some bunnies and walked to the door. Exiting didn't feel completely right, but it didn't feel wrong either. She sighed and walked out the door. 

She walked to the playground and a girl came over to here, and then just stood there for a couple seconds. She was about the same age as Michael. Suddenly the girl held onto a camera and took a picture of Wendy. She grabbed the polaroid photo and put it into her bag. "I'm Lilo. I take pics of random people and stuffs." Wendy smiled at the girl. "I like your doll. I'm Wendy! Wendy Angela Moira Darling!" Lilo smiled with mischief and interest. "Oh, so you're Wendy!" Wendy tilted her in confusion. "Yes, why?" Lilo hid her smile and shook her head. "No reason! Ima go play wit Stitch! Bye!" Lilo ran off, leaving a confused Wendy. Maybe Ms. Fauna talked about her at a point. She shrugged it off and went inside to meet the other orphans. She met some boys that would being going to her school and she introduced her self. 

"I'm Wendy Angela Moira, oh um, my adoptive last name is Darling!" The boys perked up, with "really, now?" smirks. "You? Are the famous Wendy? Cool," Eugene or Flynn stated. "What do you mean?" Wendy questioned. "Well, our f-mmMMPHmMmm!" Flynn covered Aladdin's mouth. "Our nanny!" He darted his eyes at Al. "...Told us about you a little while after we arrived. And she even has your pic on "The Wall of Fame"!''  

"The wall of fame? Did she add that when I was gone?"

Flynn nodded. "Yeah, you're the first one she put on there. Since you were the first one to get adopted here." She tilted her head in thought. "...Really?....Good to know, I guess...See you guys at school tomorrow?" 

Aladdin nodded and Flynn thumbed up. She waved goodbye and met all the other kids. They all loved her! They showed her the wall of fame and on the top row was a picture of Wendy, a picture of Peter and Wendy, and then a picture of Peter. So he did get adopted! Good!

After another hour, she and her mother left. "Thank you, mother!" Wendy hugged Mary and then they drove home, getting ready for school the next morning. She took  shower after eating dinner, taking Nanna a bath, and having her own shower. Her brothers went to sleep and she lays in her bed. She went to sleep with a dream of her and Peter reuniting at the school.


Next chapter will be soon (Ish)!!!

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