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level 22;

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level 22;


kita shinsuke felt himself hesitate for the first time ever. he loomed over the entrance to the medical ward as he sighed, knocking on the door twice as he saw sakusa immediately open it with a dead look in his eyes.

     "may I help you?"

     "I'm here to retrieve pris—shiori...for her shower", kita stated.

"she currently can't walk right now. you'll have to wheel her there and potentially help her shower", sakusa stated.

     kita nodded, to which sakusa had let the male in as he saw shiori in a loose white gown with bandages wrapped from her arms down to her legs.

     "shiori, may I carry you there?", kita asked.

"commander kita, no need to call me by my name. after all, I'm just a criminal, right?", the girl smiled, lifting her arms up as kita ever so slightly flinched.

the dual-haired male gently coddled shiori, careful not to hurt the girl as she refused to wring her arms around the male's neck like she used to.

     "I'll see you later, omi-omi", the girl chirped as sakusa just nodded, closing the door as he once more brought out the cleaning supplies.

     kita's strides were more slow this time round, making sure to make the girl's trip there as comfortable as possible.


     "commander kita, why the sudden names? I thought someone like me didn't deserve to be called that?", the girl smiled, to which kita had unconsciously bit the inside of his cheeks as he breathed out an answer.

     "that's not it...shiori..."

     "then what is it? tell me?", shiori questioned, watching as the walls behind kita had turned from stone to a beautiful white tile, meaning that they had arrived at their destination.

kita begrudgingly placed shiori on one of the benches, meanwhile he laid out another white gown that he had gotten from sakusa out for the girl.

"I...I'm sorry we exploited you", kita admitted, avoiding shiori's stare.

     "that's it?"

     shiori scoffed. "you think that a mere apology will just fix everything? you think that exposing me at my weakest is helping me?", the girl lowly questioned, leaning in close to kita's face as the male's breath suddenly got stuck in his throat.

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