Chapter14:Breaking It.

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~Y/N's POV~

One month passed. My babysitting and pastry business has been really great recently.

Me and Tsukishima,Yes I didn't use 'Kei' on purpose,I broke off everything I had with him last week.


I still haven't told him anything,I was about to but.....I got my results that same day and I gathered all my courage to tell him everything but all I saw when I entered the gym was a black haired girl kissing him and everyone just stared in shock......

"I shouldn't have bothered to see you in my life again." I said and he whipped his head to me and I refused to look him in the eye,he tried coming closer but I just walked quickly to Tadashi and handed him the sheets of paper and walked to the gym doors,I slid them open but I wished I didn't.

There stood both my useless supposedly parents that abandoned us for the past years. I stepped back in the gym and backed away. I ran to Tadashi immediately. Kiyoko,Yachi and Hinata and Suga who found out not long ago about my condition stepped in and stood beside me.

"Let us see our daughter...." 'Dad' said and gripped tighter onto Tadahi's shirt "No!" The five of them said "Just let us see her!" 'Mom' yelled and my body started shaking "And we told you that it's a No!" Kiyoko and Yachi said "You abandoned them! You have no one to call Daughter!" Suga said and the both of them looked furious but nonetheless stormed out the gym.

I....felt weak....

My grip on Tadashi was loosened and my eyesight started to get a little cloudy.... muffled voices called out my name,I wanted to answer but I felt too weak "Don't tell him...." was all I managed to say before I blacked out and fell into Tadashi's arms.

~Yamaguchi's POV~

"Y/N?" "Hey..." "Y/N are you okay?" "Y/N? Can you hear us?" We kept calling her but then she fell forward and I caught her "Don't tell him...." she mumbled "Y/N!" We all exclaimed and tried waking her up then Akiteru bursted through the gym door just on time.

"Akiteru-San! Y/N fainted!" Hinata said and the color on Akiteru's already pale face drained more and I can see his soul leaving his body,he stumbled to us and yes,we all had streams of tears rushing down because our best friend just fainted and we were scared for both of their lives. Akiteru picked Y/N up and ran to the door.

"Yamaguchi! The papers!" Suga said as we jumbled over the papers as the five of us ran after Akiteru,we snatched our bags and got in the car,Akiteru drove to the nearest hospital,we got out and quickly got Y/N treated.

After a few hours,the doctor came out with a relieved smile,we all sighed in relief.
"Both are fine....They just need rest for a while...." He said and we nodded before he allowed us to enter Y/N's room. She was sleeping on the hospital bed and she had a oxygen tank beside her bed for emergencies.

*End of flashback*

~Third Person POV~

The girl sat by the window as birds flew by, Auntie Kimiko and Akiteru took care of the pastry shop while Y/N did the babysitting, the children were the same three girls that were very kind and respectful.The Nari's and Kazashi's knew my situation and they reassured her that they would never judge her since Ms.Kazashi got pregnant when she was in high school too but this was different, Y/N had a business to run instead of projects and paperwork since she had already passed all the papers for that week.

The well-behaved girls were playing among themselves,careful not to bring any stress to
Y/N since they said that right now,Y/N was the one that was needed to be taken care of. The girl was reading a book when suddenly she heard yawning,she placed the book down and led the three girls into a extra bedroom that they use when they sleep in Y/N's house,she tucked them in and the three fell asleep.

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