Chapter 7

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I didn't sleep a wink that night. I must have looked like a zombie that morning. A deranged zombie. A deranged, bloody zombie.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" asked Gibbs, coming in the room with two cups, "Hot chocolate."

He passed me one of the drinks and I drank it gratefully.

"You look like hell," said Tony coming in.

"Wow. Thanks," I said.

"Are you ready to answer some questions?" asked Gibbs and I nodded.

"OK, well..." said Tony, "How did you escape?"

"I'm not sure... It all happened so quickly... I escaped through a window and just ran through the forest," I said.

"Where was it you were being held?" he asked.

"A shack in the woods... I think..." I said frowning. It was a bit of a blur.

Tony glanced at Gibbs, frowning slightly. Gibbs nodded at him.

"What time were you taken?" he asked.

"Er... I... I don't know!" I said.

"How did he manage to kidnap you?" asked Gibbs and by the look on his face, he already knew what had happened, although I couldn't remember.

"I can't remember!" I said, burying my head in my hands. It was all disappearing.

"It's OK... You're in shock! It will all come back," said Gibbs but I knew he was concerned, "Sleep. You need it. Don't worry, the kidnapper will not come here."

I nodded and lay back, closing my eyes. I fell asleep immediately, without another thought.

When I woke up, I couldn't remember where I was. I looked around the room and saw a man staring at me. He was wearing a suit and had shortish grey hair. A Marine cut. He was drinking a cup of coffee and had a frown on his face.

"How're you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm sorry... Do I know you?" I asked.

He frowned and called, "DiNozzo!"

The man, presumably DiNozzo, walked in. He had short brown hair and was smiling.

"Hey, Molly!" he said.

"Where are my parents?" I asked. Were these men even allowed in my room without my parents being here?

"Boss?" DiNozzo said to the other man.

"Amnesia," said the man, "Serious amnesia. It seems to have affected since when she came to DC."

"What shall we do?" asked DiNozzo.

"Try to refresh her memory!" said the man and then he turned to me, "Hello, I am Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs and this is Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. We are from NCIS."

"Hello Agent Gibbs, Agent DiNozzo... What are you doing here?" I asked, frowning. What had they been talking about.

"Well... You were kidnapped and it seems that, in your shock, you have developed amnesia," said Gibbs, "You actually work for us and you moved here to Washington from Scotland."

"Yeah, I don't think so. My parents would never let me join NCIS. They think things like that are way to dangerous! Anyway, where are my parents?" I asked again.

DiNozzo and Gibbs looked at each other and sighed.

"Your parents are dead." said Gibbs.

"Get out." I said but they wouldn't move, "GET OUT!"

A nurse came running in and ushered them out of the room. I relaxed back in my bed and heard them talking in hushed voices. My parents were not dead. That was a sick joke.

I lay back in my bed and hoped my parents would come soon and those men would just leave me alone.

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