Chapter 4

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I was back at school the next day. Gibbs didn't want me to go, but I managed to persuade him. Staying at NCIS, not allowed to do any work... I couldn't have thought of anything worse. I didn't know why he was so overprotective of me, but he was the closest thing I had to a father now.

"Molly! I asked you a question!" yelled Mr McChan, the Maths teacher. He had no sympathy for anyone, even if they had been attacked by a shark.

"Huh? Oh... sorry..." I said and he glared at me.

"I asked you what the range of these numbers is!" he said angrily.

"Five," I said, not really even thinking about the question.

"Hmph. You are dismissed," he said as the bell rang.

The next few weeks I was debating whether or not to tell Gibbs the story. I had been thinking about my parents, after realizing that Gibbs was the closest thing I had to a parent. I decided to go to NCIS straight after school, see if I could find it within myself to talk to him. I was finally out of my crutches, too.

"Something wrong?" asked Gibbs as I came in.

"No... Just thinking..." I said.

"What's troubling you?" asked Gibbs, "I don't like seeing members of my team like this."

"It's nothing, boss!" I said and he gave me the Gibbs look, "Alright... Fine... I was thinking about my parents..."

"Here, sit down. Tell me," he said, pointing to to a chair.

"Well... on my file it says my parents were murdered when I was at school... That's not entirely true," I began then looked down.

He gave me small, encouraging nod.

I nodded back and continued, "Well... I was at home at that point... These men came into our house and tied us to chairs... They tortured us and killed my parents in front of me. That was when the police came. I was in a bad way and was taken right to the hospital. All the folk who were there were sworn to secrecy."

He replied to my speech with silence. He just gave me a knowing look that told me what I should do.

"Hey boss! What's up?" said Tony, coming over.

Gibbs nodded at me and I gulped. I took a deep breath, calming my nerves. I'd known them a month now, I owed them this much for all they'd done for me already. Tony had taken me in, the others treated me like a little sister... I had to do this.

I told the rest of the team the story and they looked shocked.

"So... You're only sixteen?" asked McGee and I nodded.

I sighed and went over to my desk. I glanced at the picture of my parents, a pain in my stomach as I fought my emotions, and then looked at my computer screen. I had a new email.

Come to the alleyway near your school TONIGHT at seven. Do NOT show anyone else this email, or there will be consequences. Come or you will seriously regret it. You will PAY for your fathers mistake.

I gasped slightly and then realized everyone was still looking at me. What the hell was going on? Who was TJ and what had my father done to him? What were the consequences of showing the email? I didn't want to find out, what if it got Gibbs or the others killed?

"What is it?" asked McGee.

"Nothing... just... nothing..." I said quietly, still looking at the email in horror.

I looked at the clock. It was half six. If I was going to get there by seven I would have to leave now.

"I have to go!" I said, picking up my jacket quickly.

"OK... See you tomorrow!" said Tony, frowning slightly.

It must have seemed a bit suspicious. No, I knew it was very suspicious. I ran out of NCIS and towards the school. I was running out of time!

I managed to get to the alleyway with seconds to spare. I looked around nervously, what was going to happen?

I then recieved a text. It read;

Good. Now I'm sorry, it's nothing personal. Well, actually it is.

A shot then rang out through the alley. There was a sharp pain in my shoulder then I crumpled to the ground, covered in blood. Someone put a bag over my head and carried me away.

Who was this? Would Gibbs be able to find me? Or was it too late? I hadn't even helped solve a case with the MCRT yet.

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