Chapter 43

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Reflecting on my life up to this point, I realised how foolish I had been with my choices. I had needlessly put myself and others in danger multiple times with my reckless decisions and my latest death defying act made me realise so.

Much to the relief of everyone, I decided to cut back on my NCIS involvement. Try to focus on school, lead a normal, try to avoid another near death situation. Try to think of others and not just myself. I decided to grow up a bit. Sure, bad things had happened to me but they happen to everybody. I just needed to suck it up.

This decision meant the next months that passed showed me just trying to be normal again. And it worked. All I had to focus on in life was Matt and my schoolwork. No bad guys, no cases, no bullying. Just a normal life.

It was great. I went out every Saturday with some mates, snuck out at night, was normal. For the first time I was normal.

Although my life was sorted out finally, rifts were starting so show within the team. And my period of peace was about to come to an abrupt end.

"No. I'm sorry, director, but I'm putting my foot down," I heard Ducky talking in a strained voice as I walked in.

"Doctor Mallard, I'm afraid you don't get a say in the matter. We have nobody else to do it, hundreds of lives are at stake here," Vance replied.

"Things have just started to get back to normal. You're going to impact her recovery in a major way," Ducky told him.

"You asked to see me, Director?" I walked into autopsy acting like I hadn't heard anything.

"Agent Lees, we have a task for you. A task that could decide the fate of hundreds." the Director said, "One of national importance."

I sighed inwardly. Just as life was getting back together I have to do something like this.

"Of course. What do you need?" I asked, acting as though it was not a problem.

"You need to go undercover. We have discovered a terrorist network using children to do their dirty work. We need someone undercover there, the problem being that most of our agents are adults. Apart from you," he said.

"How long?" I asked.

"As long as it takes," he replied.

"Ok. I'll do it," I said.

"Molly, it'll be dangerous. You're only just getting better, you can't jeopardise your healing," Ducky said.

"Ducky, I'll be fine. This will be a one-off, I'll come back, things will get back to normal." I replied.

"One last thing. You will need to pretend to be dead. No one can know you are going undercover, not Gibbs, not Tony, not anybody," the director told me.

"Dead?" I froze.

"We can't risk you being uncovered," he explained, "If you're dead, nobody you know will try to intervene and put you in even more danger."

We spent the next hour discussing what was going to happen. I had to get information, putting myself in as little danger as I could. I would be given a phone that would send the data to I uncovered to NCIS yet it wouldn't give me away.

All I had to do was pretend to be dead, uncover the information to take this cell down and not die in real life. No biggie.

The worst part of it was I had to lie to Gibbs, Matt, McGee... I had to lie to everybody.

A week or so later when everything was set in place, it was time for it to happen.

"Molly, Vance wants to see you," Gibbs said as he walked in.

"Ok," I jumped up and headed to his office.

I walked in and the director was sitting at his desk.

"Have a seat, Molly," the Director said to me and I obliged.

"Is this about the undercover work you want me to do?" I asked.

"Yes. Remember nobody can know, not even Gibbs. I'll be aware, as will Dr Mallard, but that is it," Vance said, "It's going to happen tomorrow night. Dr Mallard is going to yours for dinner. We'll have given you a drug called Tetrodotoxin which will slow your heartbeat enough that only the best trained doctor could tell. Gibbs and Dr Mallard will come in, see you, and Dr Mallard will pronounce you dead. From there, we can begin your work."

I stared at the small pill in my hand with disgust. I would have to take it in a few minutes. I would be unconscious, but I would appear dead and stay in this state for a day or so. I had to do this to fool everyone into thinking I was gone.

I walked through to the living room and sighed. Taking a deep breath in, I swallowed the pill and readied myself. Atticus was lying on the ground, staring at me with interest.

The effects began immediately. I felt queasy, not quite there. Everything was going hazy and I struggled to keep standing. I gasped for air and swayed about slightly, my eyes drooping.

I slammed to the floor, paralysed, breathing shallowly. I felt my heart slowing until I could no longer tell it was working.

"What is this about, Duck?" I heard the front door open.

"I wanted to see what you were..." Ducky's voice trailed off as they both saw me.

"Molly," Gibbs ran to my side, feeling my neck for a pulse, "Ducky, what's wrong with her?"

Ducky came to my side to, checking for signs of life. Lucky for both of us, there were no obvious ones.

"Jethro..." Ducky breathed, "She's not breathing. She has no pulse."

"No..." Gibbs breathed and then all senses left me.


Hey guys!

I am so sorry for the six month hiatus I have been on with no warning.

Prelims came as I said last time and since then it has been hectic up until exams and then I have been on holiday. I am now in my second week of S5 and it is really busy but I'll try and update as much as possible. This is the first chance I've had since February!

I'd also like to say I got 7 A's for my exams and my highest was German in which I got 97%! Ironically, my lowest was English with 76%.

Anyway, sorry again and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


P.S. Sorry for the false alarm this morning, I pressed the wrong button when trying to save a draft!

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