Chapter 15

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One week later

Evermore's P.O.V.

     THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT WE DO BEST! ITS BETWEEN ME AND YOU OUR LITTLE SECRET! I know this an old song but I love it.

     Whilst going through the mail and listening to music I see college stamped envelopes. Brown, Harvard, Miami, Tennessee, all of these are scholarships. I haven't applied to any colleges because I don't know where I want to go. I guess I have choices now.

     "Eve what are those?" My mom questions as she walks in from work. "Scholarship letters." I say simply. "What honey that's amazing! Four colleges want you!" She yells.

     I smile at her. "Yes I know mom." I swiftly walk out of the room and out of the house. Right before I found those letters I was heading out for a run around the neighborhood. So that's just what I'm going to do.

     About ten minutes into my run a car pulls up beside me and starts honking. The window rolls down and a strange boy hat I've never seen before leans over the seat. "Hey baby. What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" He questions lustfully. I continue running, not bothering to stop and answer him.

     Five minutes later and the car pulls up again but he's not alone. He has a friend now. They stop the car and get out. I quicken my pace a little.

     "Baby girl. Where you going? Come back." He yells after me. "I'm fine thank you." I yell slightly out of breath. I hear them get in the car and start it up. All of a sudden the two boys pull up right in front of me and get out. "Oh you're not getting away that easily." He says nastily. "Sir I'm quite sure you're drunk and when you become sober you're going to regret what you're doing right now." I am starting to get a little scared. "I don't have a single drop of alcohol in me darling. This is all me and I know exactly what I'm doing." He lunged forward and grabbed my wrist. 

     "You're not going anywhere princess." He whispers in my ear. "Get your grimy hands off of me!" I yell. I can feel him lifting me off the ground and carrying me to the car. He kisses my neck then my lips. I feel disgusting. In the midst of trying to close the door on me I hear a car pull up. Another one of his friends probably.

     I'm crying my eyes out when I hear him. "Hey let her go!" I look up through tear filled eyes and see Niall.

     "Why would I? It's not like she's worth anything!" I see Nialls face contort to something of anger. Oh no he's mad. "She's is worth everything! Now if you don't let go of her now I swear I'll make you wish you had!" The mystery man doesn't take his hands off me.

     This is the middle of the afternoon, how has no one come out of their houses?! Niall springs forward and tackles the guy to the ground. I jump out of the car. I feel brushes beginning to take place on my wrist where he had his tight grip but I didn't whine.

     Niall is punching the day lights out of him. He doesn't even look alive anymore. It's time to stop him. "Niall Niall stop he can't fight back anymore! He's knocked out!" I yell but he's still going. I pry him off the the terribly bloody man and push him over to the car. "Eve please let me finish him off!" He exclaims. "Niall he's alway finished off! He can't go on anymore and I don't want you to go on anymore either!" I see his facial expression relax and he reaches for my hand. "I'm sorry, I just really hate him. No one should treat a girl like that! Especially my girl."

     I smile to myself. He pulls me into his chest and kisses the top of my head. "I love you so much. I just don't want to see you get hurt." I lift my head and peck his lips. "I love you too." He smiles his award winning smile. He kisses me softly.

     "Let's get back yeah?" I nod. He grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. He walks me to the passenger side door and opens it for me. I slide into the car. Ten seconds later Niall joins me. Our car ride home is filled with peaceful silence. We hold hands and I just enjoy the moment because when I get home my mom is going to be asking a lot of questions.


     "Evermore Claire Daniels. Where have you been? You left two hours ago!" Has it really been that long? "Mom I'll explain everything just please let me take a shower." She nods. Niall stays behind because he knows he's not allowed to come in my room. He's been in it just not for more than five minutes.

     I run up the stairs and through my bedroom door. I pull off the disgusting clothes that the horrible man touched and jumped in the shower in my room.

     I finish with my shower and run into my room. Niall has never seen me without make up and he's not going to today. I run to my closet and pick out some lounge around clothes. Just a pair of sweats and my one direction concert tshirt.

     As I'm drying my hair I hear my door open and someone walk in. I divert my eyes to the person standing in my doorway. I see a blonde head of hair and I scream. "Niall please leave!" I yell. "Why? I want to see you." He says calmly. "Why do you want to see me?" I say while I'm facing the wall away from him. "Because you're my girlfriend so I can." He says plainly. I can practically hear smirk on his face.

     "And because I've never seen you without makeup on and I would love to." I smile but that instantly vanishes when I hear his loud stomps over to my dressing table. I put my hands over my face in attempt to cover it. I see through the cracks in my fingers that he has squatted down in front of me.

     He puts his hands on mine and brings them down to my lap. I look up in his eyes and I see him smile. "You look beautiful. You shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable around me. I will think you're beautiful when we're fat and old." I giggle a little at his use of words.


     "So you're telling me that you were almost kidnapped and raped." My mom questions nervously. "Yes mom." She puts her head in her hands and starts crying. Niall has his arms wrapped around me gently rubbing circles in my back.

     "Mom it's okay though Niall saved me." She looks up and smiles. The next thing she does is so weird. She jumps off the couch and tackles Niall in a hug. I start laughing and then I see her whisper something in his ear. "It's not nice to keep secrets." I say randomly.

     They both look at me and smile. "Well this secret is meant to be kept till its time." Now I'm curious.

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