Chapter 36

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One week later

Evermore's P.O.V.

     I'm sitting in bed rubbing my stomach and watching tv. Niall comes in and joins me. He lowers his head to my stomach and starts to sing. I feel the baby kick. He looks up at me and smiles. Then I feel the other baby kick. "They're kicking!" I say. He puts his hand on my stomach again and starts to sing once more. They start kicking again. I smile wide.


Two weeks left

Nialls P.O.V.

     Two weeks. That's all that's left until I get to see my babies. I walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs. She's still laying in bed asleep. I wanted to be a good husband and make her breakfast. I walk in our room and sit on the bed.

     She frowns then opens her eyes. "Good morning beautiful." I tell her. She smiles her wonderful smile. "Good morning handsome."

     I smile at her then bend down and kiss her softly. She kisses me back and put her hands in my hair. I put my hands on both sides of her head and then straddle her legs, her waist is kinda occupied at the moment.

      The kissing then turns into making out which I love to do. I feel the babies kicking underneath me and I smile. We soon break and I peck her lips once more before I help her up.

       "I can't wait till we get them out!" I tell her. She nods in agreement. "I made breakfast." She looks at me and smiles. Then she starts to cry. "Babe what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

     "It's just hormones. I'm sorry. I'm all out of whack." I pull her in for a hug then lead her to the kitchen. She sits down and immediately digs in. I join her.

     Once were done I put our plates up and go upstairs. I need to make sure the baby room is ready because she could go into labor at any moment. (AN: picture of room on my Twitter.)

      Evermore actually let me help with most of the room. She told me not to go all out on it because they only sleep in cribs for so long until they grow out of them. I agreed with her. The wall is a light brown with two trees above each crib. The one over the boys crib has a boy hanging of the tree limb like he's climbing. The other one above the girls crib is if a girl swinging on a swing tied to the tree.

       As I'm cleaning up I hear a plate drop and a scream. I shoot up and run down stairs. I go in the kitchen and find Eve holding her stomach while leaning against the sink. A broken plate is on the ground and she's breathing heavily.

      "Honey what happened?" I look her all over and see a wet spot near her crotch. "My water just broke." She says. I start to panic. I run over to her and help her put her shoes on.

     I help her walk to the door. The hospital bag is right by the door so I just grab it and walk out. I run to the car and throw the bag in then run back to her. I carefully pick her up and put her in the back seat.

      I hop in the drivers seat and start the engine. I pull my phone out and dial up all of our friends and family.


Evermore's P.O.V.

      Nialls driving while I'm sitting in the back seat counting how long my contractions are apart. "How much farther is the hospital?!" I tell while having another contraction. As soon as I ask this we pull to a stop.

      He hops out and comes to me. He helps me out. A nurse comes out with a wheelchair and i sit in it. Niall pushes me through the doors and straight to the front desk.

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