Chapter 12

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Graduation day

Lilana, Farris, Peyton Lucki, Spencer, Aaron and I are all in my room finishing off our makeup. Aaron looks beautiful as always. Her hair is a pink and blonde ombré. It's so cute!

I just told Aaron today about Niall and I. She kinda freaked out. She's one of Lilanas band friends. She's really nice.

We have about an hour till the ceremony. I'm already finished. I'm now waiting on all the rest of the girls. Yes I'm rushing them! Niall has not texted me or called and he's not here yet! I'm freaking out!

He better hurry up! I will really cry if my own boyfriend doesn't make it to my graduation.


Aaron Burr.

The principal calls. Aaron stands up and walks over to the stage. I hear some boys hoot. Wow I never would've taken her as a hottie with the guys.

I'm three seats down from Aaron. I have Lilana right beside me. She also really worried. Harry hasn't texted her yet and he's not here.

Lilana Smith

Lily stands up hesitantly. She looks back at the door then towards me. I give her a small smile then push her on.

As soon as she shakes the principals hand the door swings open. Harry walks in with the biggest smile on his face. Gasp are heard all throughout the auditorium.

He runs over to the stage. Lilana is crying by now. He grabs her and pulls her in for a hug. They pull away from each other. He grabs her face and wipes her tears away with his thumb. She lays her head in his hand and smiles. Their so adorable.

He then pulls her in for a kiss. PDA! Everyone claps and I can see Lily starting to laugh through the kiss.

The principal is just standing there awkwardly. Poor guy. The most unexpected thing happens next. Harry gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring!


Harry's P.O.V.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Niall ask right before I hear Lilys name being called. "Absolutely!" I yell.

I swing the doors open and hear a lot of gasp. Never going to get used to that. I run down to the stage and grab my beautiful girlfriend. Some people would say two months is not enough to be dating then get married, but right now I don't care.

Lilana is crying now. I bend down and kiss her lips. "I love you so much." I whisper in her ear. She manages to choke out that she love me too. You're going to love me even more after this.

I bend down on one knee and pull out a small box. I hear people getting louder, but they all melt away because right now I'm about to propose to the most beautiful girl I know. I open the ring box and start my speech. "Lilana Smith. I promise to love you all the days of your life and until we die. This might be too early but I don't care! I love you and that all I need to know. I want to spend the rest of my life with you! So Lilana Noelle Smith will you marry me?!" I almost yell. I'm so excited.

She starts crying again. "Of course!" She yells. I slip the ring on her finger and she jumps on me. "Hey we're doing the koala hug again! Just like when I asked you to be my girlfriend!" I exclaim. She kisses me. I walk down the stairs of the stage, her still kissing me.

I walk down the aisle that she was sitting in and sit down on her chair. She's now sitting in my lap just crying in my shirt. I love her so much.


Evermore's P.O.V.


"Moving along!" The principal yells into the mic.

Evermore Daniels

I hear millions of claps and the doors flying open again. I look up to see my boyfriend running up to the stage. I break down into tears.

"I told you I'd make it!" He exclaims as I attack him in a koala/bear hug. He starts laughing. I really hope he does what Harry did with Lily. I puts me down and kisses me. I hear some hoots in the distance and I smirk.

"I love you so much!" I exclaim as we break the kiss. He smiles then tells me the same. He pulls out a small ring box. I try to keep my emotions inside of me. He opens it up and I see a ring but not an engagement ring. "Will you promise to love me till we decided to get married?" Niall ask. That's good enough! "Yes!"

The ring is beautiful. It goes in place of my purity ring. I'm going to miss that ring. Now I have a promise ring. I promise to always love him till we get married.

We finish off the ceremony. It might've gone a little more late then we have hoped. It's alright though. I got everything I wanted. I was third in my class. Lilana was valedictorian and Spencer was second. That meant I didn't have to make a speech. I'm so happy!

We all decide to go back to my house and celebrate. Five seconds of summer, One Direction, Lilana, Peyton, Farris, Aaron, Lucki, Elenour, and Perrie are all here. The two engaged girls are showing each other their rings. The single girls are sitting on the couch talking. The single guys are standing behind them with their tongue hanging out of their mouths. Are us Tenneseeans really that pretty? I guess we really are the only ten they see.

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