Chapter 9

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Note this is set in times before they wrote four.

Evermore's P.O.V.

It's been one month since the boys left. Lilana and I have been talking nonstop about the new album FOUR. Niall has kept his promises. He has not cheat on me and I not on him. That's usual though. Who would I cheat on him with? I've never had a guy interested in me before. Hopefully when we make our relationship public I won't get that much attention. I don't really think his management knows that we're dating.

We've all heard the news that Liam and Sophia broke up. Right before they did Liam wrote a song about her. It's was joked that Niall wrote it but he didn't. I have no idea why Sophia and Liam broke up, but I'm hoping to find out soon. If Liam is willing to I'm pretty sure I have a friend that would go great with him.

Nialls song that he wrote about me was 'change your ticket' I absolutely beautiful. Even though it's an upbeat song. I love it so much. I'm proud to call him mine.


One month later

Today's the day that Niall comes back. He told me he was going to bring some more people that I might like. I'm so excited!

We got to the airport quite early. It's my fault. If I'm not at least an hour to everything I'll start to panic. Like I can be thirty minutes early and feel like I'm terribly late. It's a bad habit.

Niall and I have been texting non stop since he got on the plane.

Babe: Hey love! Landing right now! Come look out the window!

Me: kk! Can't wait to see you!

I quickly jump out of my seat and run over to the gigantic window. I look out and see the plane landing. It takes them about ten minutes to get everyone out but they make it. I run over to the gate and hide. Niall walks out looking better than ever.

"Evermore?" Niall yells. I chuckle to myself then jump out firm where I was hiding. I jump on his back and kiss his cheek. He groans and turns his head. "Oh my gosh Evermore I thought you were a fan I was about to scream." He laughs while putting me down. He turns to face me. "So how's my amazing girlfriend been for two months?" He ask as he's bending down to pick up the bags that I didn't notice he dropped. I smile then reply. "I've been fantastic but I've missed you so much! Please promise me never to leave again!" I say as wrap my arms around his neck. He puts his hand son his hips and says, "I can't make any promises!" Hen he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me close. I feel his hot breath on my face. "I've been wanting to do this for two months." He says. He then leans down and kisses me gently. He knows that we're in a public place and my parents are watching so he doesn't make the kiss too much. "So I'm graduating in a month." I say in a weird time of voice. Trying to drop the hint that I want him to come. "No way my girlfriend is going to graduate! I might have to clear my schedule for that one!" I smile then miss him again. I actually have to get on my tippy toes to kiss him. "Niall did you grow in the span of two months?" He steps back and looks at how much taller he is. "Omg I did! I'm finally a head taller than you!" He cheers. I laugh and look over my shoulder.

I see Lilana and Harry hugging and smiling at each other their so cute. I turn my head the other way and see Louis and omg Eleanor! I can't wait to get to know her.

I turn my head once more and see Zayn and Perrie. Ahhhhh! Then Niall grabs my head and turns it a little bit more and I actually scream. Five seconds of summer is standing in the Nashville airport. Everyone turns and gives me weird looks. I see Michael laugh and I turn around and hug Niall. "You're the best boyfriend ever! I love you so much!" I yell. Whoops didn't mean for that to slip! He instantly freezes. "Did you just say you love me?" He asks with hope in his voice. I smile and start to feel my cheeks heat up. I nod my head then look down at my shoes like their the most interesting thing in the world. He lifts my head so that their eye level with his. "I love you too Evermore Daniels." He states. I smile and reach my head up then kiss his now very high up lips.

I then turn around and run over to Michael. I attack him in a hug. He stumbles for a second then regains his balance. He hugs me back. Could my life get any better?


We've been home for about three hours now. Niall has not stop telling me he loves me and I him.

It's getting kinda lonely with just me and Lilana here. We're the only girls. I call up my friends Peyton and Farris. I don't tell them that one direction are here because they might freak out and tell the media. No one knows that I'm dating Niall Horan, just Lilana and my parents. It's time to tell them.

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