Chapter 19

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Evermore's P.O.V.

     As I hear his car door slam Aaron is just finishing off with my makeup. "You look beautiful!" I thank her then shoo them out. They all run into Nialls room. Right as I'm about to walk out of my room I hear a couple of screams from the room. Great what did they do? I walk in there and see them standing by his bedside table.

     "What?" They don't look at me at all. Then I see Peyton holding a little package in her hand. "What's that?" They then stop to look at me. "Nothing! Go back to your room." I obey because it's probably something that I don't care about. I walk into the living room. The doorknob starts to jiggle then in walks my amazing boyfriend looking fine as ever. I stand up but I don't turn around. I don't want him to judge me. "Evermore we match!" He exclaims. I shoot my head up to see him standing right in front of me. "Huh look at that we do." I immediately put my head back down.

     "Eve what have I told you about that? Stop putting yourself down you're beautiful! Now let me see my gorgeous girlfriends face." I hesitantly look up. I look into his eyes and smile.

     "Why hello babe." I giggle then greet him. "Hi sweetheart! So what are we doing for this date?" He smiles down at me. He really has gotten a lot taller than me. That makes me really happy.

     "You'll just have to find out! But wait here I have to go get something!" I obey his commands and sit but not before he hooks my chin with his finger and brings his lips to mine. "Have I told you how lucky I am to have you?" I nod then wipe his lips off. He might've gotten a little lipstick on them. 

     He smiles then turns in his heel and runs off. I hear another scream and that indicates that Niall has found the girls.


Nialls P.O.V.

     I run in my room and find all of the girls. I look over at my bedside table and see the drawer is open. I look at Peyton and there it is my gift to Eve for our anniversary.

     "What is this?" El yells pointing to the present in Peyton's hand. "Her present." I say simply and reach for it but Peyton is mixed so she's got some black in her. She moves her hand back quickly not letting my grab it. "You're not getting this until you tell us what it is!" I look at it and see its still in the box that I told the lady to wrap it in so if Eve found it she wouldn't open it. "Is this an engagement ring?" I can feel the whole room of eyes begin to stare at me cold in the face. "No! Now can I please have it so I can leave?" They finally let me have it. I say my goodbyes then step out into the hallway.


Eves P.O.V.

     I stand up and walk into the hallway. Niall is standing there with a brown box in his hand. Must be some kind of gift card. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder. He jumps around and smiles. "Let's go babe." I nod in agreement and we leave.

    I jump in my seat and Niall in his. He starts driving. He reaches over and grabs my hands. He paces our fingers together. Then he brings my hand to his lips and kisses it. "I love you." I smile at him. I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you. But I'm you have lipstick on your face now." I laugh at myself and reach into his glow department and get my tissues. My nose gets kinda stuffy so we always keep a pack somewhere. I damp it with my tongue then wipe his face. "How are we telling the press about us Niall?" He looks over and frowns a bit.

     "Eve can you not take a surprise? I want this to be special so no more asking what I'm doing." I nod. "Fine but if you don't tell me then you don't get your anniversary present!"

     "Now that's not fair! I'm trying to be romantic!" I sigh and give in. "I guess you're right. Just a little hint about your gift though. This lipstick isn't staying on all night." His eyebrows raise and his smirk is evident. "Are you trying to get me all riled up?" I giggle then shake my head.

     We pull up into the airport. I start to get nervous. "Niall what are we doing here you know I hate heights and closed spaces! Niall please don't make me get on a plane!" He reaches over and wraps his arms around me. "Hey hey hey shhhh! It's ok you'll be fine! And besides how else are the press going to find out about us? It's not like Tennessee has paparazzi."

     I think for a second then agree. We have to do this. "This better not be a long flight though!"

     "It won't be its on my private jet! So the caption can go whatever speed he wants." I smile then get out. "Are you coming or what?" He chuckles then hops out.

      We walk into the airport and over to the gates. I step out into the hot summer night. Niall is right behind me as we make our way to the jet. I climb up the stairs and into the jet. "Ok before we start this ride I have to state a few ground rules."

'1. No alcohol
2. No sex
3. No closing of the door'

     "Wow you really sound like my mom when I brought my first girl home!" I giggle. "Well I just want to stay pure." He walks over to me and wraps me in his arms. "I would never pressure you into anything! And guess what I've been completely sober for six months now! You know why because I met you. Now I don't believe in sex before marriage so I don't want that either." I smile at his honesty.

     I look over and see a couch. "You have a couch in your jet!" He chuckles then nods. "Yeah! Maybe we can just sit and cuddle yeah?" I smile then sit down. I pat the spot next to me. He comes and sits down. "I think we should wait and exchange gifts till after the dinner so I can wipe my makeup off." He nods then smirks. "Can I have a kiss?"

     I lean over and press my lips against his. Probably getting lipstick everywhere. The kiss is getting a little heated because he's grabbing my waist and I his hair. I pull back. "Niall I told you we need to wait." He sighs. "I know I'm sorry you're just so irresistible!" I laugh at his statement. "I am not."

     His whole body stiffens as I says this. "EVERMORE CLAIRE DANIELS! I never want to hear that again! I've told you this once and I'm going to tell you again! You're absolutely gorgeous! Any guy would kill to have you-" I cut him off.

     "But they haven't Niall! Before me and you started dating I had no experience with guys whatsoever!" His eyes soften. "We they don't know what they're missing out on. Because this girl right in front of me is the best thing that has ever happened to me t care if someone tells you otherwise but I love you Eve! With all my heart and that will never end!" He finishes his little rant. I feel my nose start to burn. I keep my tears in the longest I can. I don't want to cry really hard because then I'll mess my makeup up. I start to cry slowly. "You're honestly the best man I know that is standing here today!" He shakes his head and laughs. He leans down and we share a kiss. A couple more kisses later and then he is out like a light bulb. He worked so hard on this date so I'm going to let him rest.

     I know he meant everything he said but I will never feel that way about myself.

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