Chapter 27

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Evermores P.O.V.

Five months later


     I'm so excited to celebrate. He asked me out on the 17th of May last year and we've still been going strong. He's taking me out to dinner tonight and I'm so excited. I'm also very excited because in two days its our last basketball game. All of us freshmen get to start that game. My whole family is coming down and I'm pretty sure Liam has a surprise up his sleeve for Peyton.

     Luke proposed to Farris last month at a concert. Since the boys are back on tour they flew all of us out to see their first show of the tour. It was so good. That was the second time I've ever seen one direction in concert and I was literally fangirling.

     It was the first time lily has ever seen them in concert and she was having a cow. She couldn't start  shouting, "THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!" Every time harry sang.

     I'm happy that they decided to take it slow and wait to get engaged. Warning they are not engaged but I know harry wants to soon. Anyway back to niall.


     The day has passed away slowly. I have about two hours before niall gets back from tour. I decide to go take a shower.

     As I'm in the shower I think of what a fast year it's been. Niall and I have not had troubles with our relationship yet and i'm thankful for that. But I'm also nervous because that means we will have some when we're married.

     I finished up with my shower then run to my room. I dry myself off and then do my hair. I curl it and then take two pieces and tie them back in a rubber band.

     Cute! I go to pick out my outfit when I remember the dress niall got for me for Christmas. He hasn't visited me at all for the last few months so I haven't worn it. I take it out and then pick up the heels he got me.

     That'll do! I put on a pair of sweats and a tshirt and got get something to snack on. I'll get ready when I have an hour left.


     Right on the dot I start getting ready. I slip my dress on and my shoes. My makeup is what's going to take the longest. I stare at my eyeshadow pallets contemplating what to do. I just decide on a light smoky eye. I use all the products niall got me for Christmas and then touch up my hair a bit.

     What I learned for our six month is that he doesn't like lipstick and neither do I. But for tonight I'm going to where a blush pink/nude color.

     I walk out of my room. I hear something under my feet and I look down. There is a trail of rose petals. I follow the path until it stops at the living room door.

     I walk in and there standing with a dozen roses is my fiancé. I run to him. He sets the roses down and catches me in his arms. "I've missed you so much." I whisper.

     He sets me down. "I've miss you more." Then we share a couple kisses. "I. Love. You." He says in between kisses. I smile. Once we break I tell him "I love you! Now how do you like my outfit?" I twirl around so he can get a better look.

     He smiles. "I love it! This is exactly what I was hoping you'd wear." I giggle then go grab my bag I put my phone, keys, mints and money in it because hey! If my breath stanky everything goin be stanky!

     "Let's go babe." He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the apartment building. This is the first time I look and see what niall is wearing.

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