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They call him the dark world;
World, too small to be one,
But still holds his ground.

I'm here trying to figure,
What I should make out of him,
The darkness in me,
Runs this far,
The distance from home,
So little of the sun,
So little of the moon,
Just the dark.

The highest point;
Of the solar and the traveller,
I'm drifting in the dark clouds,
Of this cold planet,
It's amazing, to surf in the dark,
Fighting the fright,
Of the monsters that creep.

They say he's not a planet,
Small enough to be a satellite,
Big enough to be a zone.

I'm in the dark cloud,
The dark zone,
They can't see me,
I'm off reality,
And time itself,
I'm a stranger to the aliens.
Conversing with my soul,
How this place is cold.
I have been lost,
I can't feel my soul,
Pluto the metaphor to my life,
I took the go:od dive,
I'm falling to the ground
Of the dark zone.

They praise him to be a loner,
The odd one out, count the nine,
Can't shine through the night.

Story of a lost boy,
Trying to find his lost soul,
On a quest to the edge,
But fell down, mid the journey.
The replay of his life,
Slowly takes him to the dark,
Listen to the sad song,
If he's gone.
Hope they remember his name.

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