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WARNING: Adult Content ahead.

On one hand I hated Taehyung and wanted nothing to do with him, but on the other I wanted some validation. I stared at myself in the mirror and critiqued myself. I knew I wasn't fat, but wasn't exactly skinny either. With that thought I decided to workout.

I ran on the treadmill hard for nearly an hour. Taehyung never came in and it only pushed me to run harder. I was drenched in sweat and exhausted when I finally stopped. I headed homeward and took a shower. It was Friday night and I had nothing to do and no one to do it with. I considered calling Jun as I showered, but decided that was a bad idea. I needed to break things off with him, but didn't want to do that right now.

I was drying off in the bathroom when I heard a knock at the door. Assuming it was someone selling something, I ignored it, but heard the knock again. This time louder. As I padded towards the door, I wrapped the white towel around my body tucking it in under my arm.

Pulling the blinds open just enough to see who it was, I saw that it was Kim Taehyung. I groaned in frustration. What the hell did he want? He was looking back at me through the window.

"What do you want?" I questioned not opening the door.

"You're boyfriend left some stuff at my place. I keep meaning to give it to you. I would leave it outside, but it looks like a pretty nice watch."

I knew of the watch. It had been given to Jun by his grandfather. I unlocked the door and opened it slightly. Taehyung was dressed nicely with skinny black jeans and a dress shirt. This was the first time I saw him fully clothed.

"Big date?" The words just slipped out of my mouth.

Why did I say that? Wae?

Taehyung laughed, "No way. I'm just going out with some friends."

The towel around me was starting to feel loose. I was afraid that if I tried to hold Hyeokjun's watch that it could fall. I looked outside and didn't see anyone else. I opened the door to let him in. As soon as he was inside, I watched his eyes scrutinize every inch of my body.

"Nice outfit." He smirked.

I immediately regretted letting him in.

"You caught me just getting out of the shower."

"Good timing if you ask me." He walked directly towards me. Feeling nervous, I backed up until my bare back hit the cold wall.

Here he was, giving me attention, but now I couldn't find the words I had been wanting to say to him. To make him feel like the loser. He stood so close, I could feel his body heat. He towered over me as we stood motionless for several moments. He started to lean down and I thought he was going to kiss me. My heart was pounding and I almost felt light-headed. I wasn't sure what to do and closed my eyes.

Taehyung set the watch and the sunglasses on the counter right next to me. He stood back up. I opened my eyes feeling defenseless. We were as close as we could be without actually touching. My head was spinning.

He took a step back and examined me again. His eyes caressed every curve. I wanted to tell him off, but instead I stood still in front of him only wearing a towel. Like a deer caught in headlights.

"I've seen you watching me." Taehyung said breaking the silence. He moved his hand up and used the tip of his index finger to touch the skin of my chest where it met the towel.

"Umm... I..I" I stuttered.

"Shut up!" His stern voice caused me to squeeze my eyes shut.

He ran his finger along the outline of my towel across the top of my chest. I felt goosebumps over my body and my heart throbbing with fear mixed with excitement.

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