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My cell phone buzzed for the hundredth time, and with every call I ignored, it was followed by a text message:

Yoora. Baby. PLEASE! Please receive my call. I can explain, I didn't mean to kiss her. I don't even know her.

I dragged the text to the bin without even reading it cuz I knew it said the same like the previous text messages. It's was getting extremely annoying, because first off, I was hungover. Jungkook and I, overdrank the previous night and second, I was getting late for work. I had a presentation to exhibit.

I was settling my files, when my nostrils filled with a burnt smell.

"Ohhh no, the bread toast!" I realized, and quickly ran to the kitchen. The thick smoke that filled the kitchenette made me cough. I was turning off the switch, when my phone blew up, causing me to jump on my feet. I felt my nerve pulse up, I withdrew my phone from the pocket and yelled my lungs out:


The entire room echoed as the rage made me gasp for air.

I thought it would suffice to make him end the call but the voice spoke through the phone.

"Incase you missed to check the caller ID.... This is your boss in the other end of the line."

My flushed face now turned pale as I broke a sweat.

"Mis... Mister Min, I didn't mean to speak to you in an inappropriate fashion. I thought you're someone else"

"Well, I just called to say that-"

"That I'm late for the presentation. I'm so sorry Sir, I'll be there in fifteen minutes." I cut him off mid-sentence, as well as mistakenly pressed the End button.

I'm royally fucked!

I grabbed my files and car keys. I started the ignition and advanced toward my workplace.


My stilettos clicked sharply on the marbled floor. Crossing the hall of the building became awkward as different eyes kept staring at me oddly.

I somehow managed to reach my desk, I began to settle my files when I was interrupted by someone.

"No presentation today. The meeting is cancelled. But Mister Min wants to see you in his office." Hainah my co-worker informed.

I was half an hour late for work so I felt relaxed that the meeting was cancelled. But I gulped thickly as I recalled the morning's incident.

"I'll.... I'll be there." I nodded.

I began to proceed to my boss's cabin. I heaved a deep breathe as I knocked at the door.

"Mr. Min. May I come in?"

"You may."

The voice sounded unfamiliar but I brushed it off and entered the room. The chair was turned around. I could only see the head of the person behind the chair.

Silver/Grey hair?

Last time I checked my boss had natural brown.

Breaking my trains of thoughts I scanned the room, it was oddly silent.

"Mister Min I am sorry I'm late-"

I was cut off mid sentence when the chair spun around to face me. He wasn't my boss, the person looked much younger. Maybe in his mid 20's. It was unbelievable how that grey hair suit him so well. Usually light hair colors overcast the skin complexion, but his complexion was too fair to be overshadowed. His body looked fit as the well fitted suit looked good on him.

"Have a seat Miss Zu."

My scrutiny was interrupted when the person spoke. I took a seat and straightened my posture. I could feel my shoulders tense up a bit.

"Where- where is Mr. Min?" I enquired with curiosity.

"You mean my father?"

His father? No wonder his had some resemblance with Mr. Min. The fair skin and facial features matched my middle aged boss.

"He had to urgently fly off to United States for an important business deal. I am here to look after his work."

"So I am your new boss."

That's when I recalled it was him who had called me earlier and I mistakenly raged at him.

Oh shit! I cussed under my breath.

"You have a nice way to greet people when they call you." He said, as if he could read my mind.

"I- I am sorry, I forgot to check the Caller ID." I gulped.

"I know. Don't break a sweat now. I'm just messing with you." His serious expression become soft as he slightly chuckled.

That eased my body a little as I exhaled heavily.

"I had called to inform that meeting is cancelled but you hung up on me." He spoke causing me to duck my head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry about that too." I sincerely apologised.

"Anyway here are some pending paper works I need you to complete. Submit them to the vice-president when your done." I quickly nodded and I withdrew the papers from his hand.

"I'll take my leave now." I awkwardly got up from the seat and headed towards the door.

"She looks just like her." The grey haired boy sighed deeply.

"But she is not her."


Jungkook woke up to a heap of mess. Red cups lying around everywhere. One on his head and some on the lounger he fell asleep on. A yawn escaped his mouth as he tried to grab a T-shirt which was lying on the floor.

He lazily padded towards Taehyung's apartment to take a shower. His body reeking of beer. He paused his steps when he saw Taehyung handing a bundle of bank note to a girl who looked familiar. His jaw suddenly clenched as he jogged his memory back to the incident of last night.

He directed his steps towards Taehyung as the girl left fanning herself with the bundle of cash.

"You shouldn't have done that." Jungkook  said as he crossed his arms against his chest.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Taehyung simply shrugged as he grabbed a beer from the chiller.

Taehyung wasn't a person who drank at day time but taking a few swigs of beer did a better job to refresh his mind than coffee.

"I know you made the girl kiss Yoora's boyfriend."

Taehyung paused for a while, but then resumed to pop up the bottle.

"She deserved that." He replied as he placed the mouth of my bottle on his lips.

"She almost drowned herself." Jungkook's voice tone became louder than before.

"I don't give a rats ass. Serves her just right." Taehyung hissed, his voice now laced with venom. His brown eyes were in flames.

Jungkook sighed deeply at his words. He knew Taehyung would lose it if he'd say anything more.

There was a glint in his eyes and his face was grim.

"She deserves every pain the world." He gritted his teeth as he smashed the bottle on the wall. Some of the shreds bounced back stinging his skin, but he didn't care. The anger that raged in him was too strong to feel the petty pain.

"Just don't be too hard on her." Jungkook gently placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"She is not her."


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고맙습니다 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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