Beginning of The End

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The crowded dance club pounded with bass. The sea of people seemed to flow as one giant mass under the flashing lights.
I let my body move with the crowd and the beat. It had been months since I, the 22-year-old brunette had been out with her friends, so letting loose felt great.

I wasn't sure if the room was moving from the several drinks I had been slamming back or if it was the lighting and music.

Everyone was crowded together so it wasn't unusual to get groped occasionally. It was hard to tell which one's were on purpose and which were people trying to make their way through the crowd.

I had wore a tight black dress that looked like I had been poured into. At 5'3" and 110 lbs, I was petite and had curves in all the right places. My dark hair matched my tight fitting dress. It left no room for a cell phone or wallet so I only had my ID and a credit card stuffed inside my bra. I felt wild and free.

The night went by in a blur and before I knew it, I awoke to my head, throbbing. The sun was shining in through my second story apartment window onto my face. The noise of kids playing outside my window at the pool was just enough to annoy me.

I rolled over and grabbed another pillow and set it over my head. The pounding felt like I was still in the club, but my room was silent. I decided to get some aspirins and slowly rolled myself out of bed. As I stood up, the room spun wildly. I sat back down to try to stabilize myself and realized I still had my dress on from last night.

I pulled the tight dress over my body and let it fall to the floor. Pulling out something more comfortable from my dresser, I looked up at the mirror and saw my license and credit card stuck to my chest. I started to laugh, but the pain in my head cut it short. After getting some aspirin down, I went back to bed.

The sun was starting to set the next time I woke up. It was my first week in my new apartment. After graduating from college, I found a job in Seoul and was starting on Monday. I needed to get some laundry done so I threw on some sweat pants and gathered up a load of clothes.

Walking down the stairs from my apartment, an old man was walking by with a small dog on a leash. He looked up with a kind smile.

"Good evening."

I didn't feel much like talking so I just gave a nod and kept walking. I instantly felt bad, so I promised myself I would stop and chat next time I see him.

The laundry room was fairly close to my apartment, but I still felt groggy and struggled to get the washing machine started.

"Aishh, you look like shit." A strong male voice spoke.

The sound of the voice made me jump. I turned to see who had spoken with a dirty look. A guy sat on one of the washing machines across the room. He looked to be in his mid 20's with a pair of tight fitting jeans and no shirt on. His body was chiseled like a model in a magazine. His sandy brown hair looked messy, yet styled. His face had a tint of tan complexion and his sharp jawline perfectly sculpted. The guy was handsome, but a remark like that should only come from someone I knew well.

He wasn't looking at me anymore. Instead, he was looking at his smartphone like he hadn't spoken to me.

I went back to trying to get the coin tray pushed in, but it wouldn't budge. I hit the top of the washer with an open palm.

"That won't help." The stranger said from his corner.

"Oh Fuck off already." I shot a glare.

Deciding to try a new machine, I opened the door to move my clothes when the door suddenly slammed back shut. Startled, I jumped back to see the shirtless jerk slide the coin tray with apparent ease and the washer started filling with water.

Feeling stupid, but not wanting to admit it, I glared at him until he broke the silence.

"You're welcome." he shrugged.

We stood there for a moment, looking at each other. I couldn't help but think if we had met under different circumstances, things could have turned out very different. Despite his good looks, this guy clearly thinks he is God's gift to women. I instantly disliked him.

Before I could come up with a response, he was out the door with a basket of clothes in his arms.

"Fucktard!" I said out loud. I didn't need his help. I didn't need anyone's help.

I went back to my apartment and found my cell phone lying on the couch. There were two missed calls and five text messages from my boyfriend, Jang Hyeokjun. We had met and started dating in college two years ago, but Jun had a job and wasn't able to move in with me, just yet. It was only about an hour drive away so it wasn't that big of a deal. While I wouldn't admit it to Jun, but I was actually looking forward to having my own little space. He could be clingy and jealous at times and it was clear he was mad because I was not returning his messages. I decided I wasn't in the mood and turned off my cellphone to enjoy the quiet environment. I will deal with him later.


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