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Two hours later there was a knock at the door. I took my time getting up from the couch where I had resigned to eating ice cream and watching reality TV.

When I opened the door, I found Taehyung holding up Jun who was barely conscious.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" I said accusing Taehyung.

"I didn't do anything to him. He's a big boy. He just can't handle his drinks." Taehyung replied with no sign of being drunk.

"You want me to bring him in or leave him on the porch?"

I considered the second option. "No, bring him in." I answered and opened the door fully. I watched how Taehyung's muscles flexed as he held him up to get inside.

I had him get Jun to the bed.

Taehyung went back to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Who invited you to stay?" I asked with an attitude.

"You're a real bitch, you know that? I helped you with the washing machine and you gave me attitude, then I helped you with your boyfriend and yet again, you gimme attitude. What's your problem?"

I thought about it for a minute. It was Taehyung that insulted me to begin with.

He broke the silence.
"Let's start again." He stood up and reached his hand out.

"I'm Kim Taehyung."

I hesitated then shook his hand. His hand felt huge as it firmly gripped mine. I felt my heart jolt as I replied, "..and I'm Zu Yoora."

"Nice to meet you, Yoora." He said and sat back down.

"Anything good on TV?"

I was irritated that he sat down again without being invited. I replied, "Not really."

Taehyung watched the TV, ignoring that I was still standing there. I acknowledged that he wasn't going anywhere, hence I sat down on the other end of the couch. It was the only piece of furniture so it was my only option. The couch was long enough so I didn't feel like I was sitting too close.

Trying to assess Taehyung, I wondered if I had been unreasonable with him. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy. He looked huge sitting on the couch compared to me. I was amazed how fit he was. Even sitting down, there were no rolls of fat anywhere to be found.

"You can touch." Taehyung said breaking my train of thoughts. He seemed to be watching the TV and didn't even turn his head to speak.

"Excuse me?"

"My body. You keep staring at me. I won't tell your boyfriend." He flashed a disturbing smirk.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" I said in a snarky tone. No, I was right all along. He is an arrogant prick.

"I'm pretty sure it's you that would enjoy it more than me."

"Could you be any more full of yourself?"

"I just say it like I see it. Your little boyfriend is soft around the edges. Have you ever ran your hands over a real six pack?" He looked up with an arrogant smile.

My face became red with anger and was about to scream at him when Taehyung's cell phone rang. I could hear a female voice on the other end, but couldn't make out the words.

He then spoke: "Sounds good. See you in an hour."

Taehyung stood up and looked at me with a smirk.

"Sorry. You missed your chance. I got a booty call. See ya around."

I could only watch in frustration as he left my apartment. I went and checked on Hyeokjun who was passed out across the bed. I tried pushing him over, but couldn't get him to budge. Frustrated, I slept on the couch.


It was almost noon before Jun finally got up. I was so mad at him that it was 30 minutes before I spoke to him. The entire day was ruined for me. Jun felt sick and didn't want to go anywhere. I was mad at him for ruining our weekend.

He was supposed to leave late Sunday, but the tension was high between us so he left in the morning instead. I worked on cleaning up my apartment, but I still had some energy to burn.

It had been over a month since I had worked out and didn't join a gym. It reminded me that there was a workout room the apartment complex managed. Making up my mind to get back into my workout routine, I put on a black sports bra and spandex shorts. Not wanting to look like a slut, I threw on a loose tank top to cover myself up a little and headed out.

Heading for the workout room, I noticed the old man walking his little dog again. As I got closer to him, he smiled and said, "Good afternoon!"

"Hello, how are you?" I said using the same voice I used with my own Grandparents.

"I'm Tom and this is my guard dog, Jerry." He said motioning to the tiny dog.

I bent down and pet the little dog. "Well hello, Jerry! You are just so cute!" I looked up at Tom and caught him trying to look down my tank top. It wasn't an uncommon event, but I wasn't going to give him a show either. Like most men, Tom acted like he didn't just get caught.

"Well, Tom. My name's, Yoora. It's nice to meet you and Jerry."

Tom looked like he wanted to keep talking, but he ruined that chance. I headed off to the workout room.

The workout room was about the size of my living room, which wasn't very big. The equipment consisted of an old cable machine, some free weights, and two treadmills. It looked a lot better when I toured the complex, but I wasn't too excited about it now. I got on the treadmill and tried kicking it up to a jogging pace, but it wasn't smooth and I got frustrated quickly with it. Examining the cable machine, it looked worn out as well.

"Fuck this!" I said out loud and headed back to my apartment to get my purse. There was a gym just down the street and decided to go check that one out.


I expected the gym to be quiet on a Sunday and I was right. The thought occurred to me that Taehyung could also workout here, but convinced myself that Taehyung would not impact my life. Walking inside a young girl sat behind a counter playing on her phone. The girl finished her text before looking up.

"Hello, I am interested in a membership."

"Okay, let me get someone to give you a tour."

I really wanted to skip the sales pitch, but the girl was already on the phone asking for someone to come up front. I looked around the interior of the club and noted that it looked like most any other gym.

"Hi." A male voice greeted, causing me to turn around towards the source of the voice.



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