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Over the next two weeks, I worked on settling into my new job and apartment. I had patched things up with Jun and we were back to talking daily. We've made plans for Jun  to come over Thursday night and spend a long weekend with me.
I found myself missing him after not seeing him for a few weeks and worked on planning a fun weekend together.

-Thursday 9 pm, my Apartment-

Headlights from a car flashed through the window next to the front door. I jumped up to see if it was my boyfriend and pulled the blinds open. Jun was pulling an old duffel bag out of the trunk of his newer model black Chevy Camaro. I assumed he hadn't changed after work, but looked sharp with his gray business slacks and white Oxford dress shirt.

I dashed out the door and down the stairs to greet him. When Jun saw me running towards him, he dropped the duffel bag just before I jumped into his arms. We hugged tightly for several moments before I leaned back and gave him several kisses.

"I have missed you soo much!" I said in between kisses.

"Me too! Think we could go inside though?" He said with a smile.

I dragged him in my apartment. He had helped me move in but had not seen it since I had put everything away. Jun set his bag down just inside the door and looked around.

"Looks like you're all settled in!" He said impressed with what I had done.

The front door looked in on a small living room with a small kitchen and dining area to the left. On the other side of the living room, there was a small hallway with the bathroom and bedroom facing each other.

I called to him from my room.

"You can put your bag in here."

Hyeokjun stood about 5'9" and weighed about 160 lbs. His jet black hair was combed neatly. His duffel bag did not match his appearance, but he always took it on short trips. When he walked into the bedroom, he stopped abruptly and dropped his bag.

In the middle of my full-size bed, I lay only with my lacy nightdress on. My wavy dark tresses lay perfectly over my shoulders reaching the top of my creamy chest. My skin looked smooth and soft from years of being careful in the sun. My dark hair contrasted against my pale skin.

"You going to stand there all night?" I asked seductively.

Jun tripped in record time and jumped onto the bed. He kissed all over starting with my lips to my tight tummy. He didn't have rock hard abs, but he wasn't fat either. He moved down my smooth legs all the way to my feet and massaged my toes with his hands. Moving back up the other leg he could smell the light clean scent of a fresh bath.

Jun gently moved his hands over my large mounds and massaged them gently. He lightly sucked on each one before moving up my neck and lightly nibbled on my ear.

Laying underneath him, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in tightly. His hard-on rubbed against me. Jun moved his arm to guide his length inside me.

He gradually quickened his pace. After all the intense movements and moans, the bed frame began to squeak and he exploded into ecstasy.

Jun fell beside me, exhausted. "Wow. You've been saving up for me!" I said looking intently at him and closed the gap between us with a passionate kiss.


Being new to my job, I didn't want to take the whole day off of work, but did arrange to come home early to get some extra time with Hyeokjun.

He had said that he might go down to the pool so when I didn't find him in my apartment, I looked out from the bedroom window that overlooked the pool and saw him with some well-built guy. It took a moment to register that it was the same guy from the laundry room. I realized that I had forgotten about him and hadn't seen him since that night a few weeks back.

Immediately, my dislike for him returned. I headed out to the pool to get Jun.

I walked up the iron fence that surrounded the pool.

"Jang Hyeokjun!" I called out. Both guys turned towards me. Immediately, I could tell from Jun's red face that he had been drinking.

"Fuck." I thought to myself. Jun could act like a real asshole when drunk.

"Babe!" He called back in a slur.

"Have you met Taehyung? He is really cool." He said sounding really stupid.

I rolled my eyes.

Great. There goes their romantic night.

The so called Taehyung guy gave me a confident smile.

"Why don't you go get your bathing suit on and join us?"

"No, thanks." I said trying to be polite, then turned to Jun.

"Yah! We were supposed to go out to a movie tonight. C'mon lets go."

Jun sat there with a stupid look on his face like I was speaking a different language.

Taehyung laughed. "Hmm. I don't think he is going anywhere tonight. You sure I can't offer you a beer?"

I glared at him. This jerk had ruined my night. He pulled a beer from a cooler near the chairs they were sitting on and held it out in my direction. He looked like he should be in a beer commercial with his board shorts hanging low on his trim waist and his perfect tan shining in the warm sun. Then I looked at Jun sporting his farmers tan and love handles.

Without saying anything else, I turned and went back to my apartment hoping that Jun would get the hint.


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