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Weeks passed by, yet everyday I ran an extra mile on the treadmill not because I wanted to shed down the fat I scarcely possessed but to dodge myself from running my thoughts back to Taehyung. The fact how he cunningly mortified me only pushed me to run harder. I ran out of breath but my body didn't stop. The angry and humiliation made my legs to keep going.

I began to spend way too much time in planning out my sabotage more than working.
I wanted to crush him like a damn ant with a goddamn revenge, but I just didn't know how to proceed with the plan. A petty prank wouldn't suffice for what he did to me. I've got to plan big.

I was drenched in sweat and exhausted to my bones. I headed back home jelly legged and took a shower. I slipped into my bath robe and advanced to the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee.

Sipping on my beverage, I walked up to my desk to resume my office work. I wasn't in the mood to go to work hence I chose to work from home today.

Two hours passed by, but my presentation wasn't ready as yet. I needed to complete it by tonight. I was trying to keep my focus on the computer trying to get the graphs right when a loud blare of music hindered my concentration.

What the hell is that?

I walked towards the source of music and opened the bedroom window. There were swamps of people by the pool relaxing on loungers. Some were drinking a swig from their beer, some were dancing drunkenly, it seemed to be a pool party. I scrutinised the crowd, it was night time so I had difficultly recognizing my neighbors. My gaze shifted back towards the pool and spotted Taehyung, the cocky prick flirting his head off with almost-naked girls.

A deep poisonous hatred gushed through my veins by the sight of him. I wanted to smash his head with a shovel and bury him with it but I decided to let it slip this time. I had a presentation to complete.

I walked back to my desk and tried to resume my work, but the blaring music became louder by every passing second. I could feel my apartment walls vibrate, like a wrecking ball was breaking down the entire apartment.

"That's it!" I ballistically sprung off the chair, threw on a pair of PJs and T-shirt. I grabbed my keys and stomped out of my apartment.

Descending down the stairs of my edifice, my heart started thumping along with the bass. I analysed the people around me, none seemed familiar so I assumed it was Kim Taehyung who invited them.

I have to make him shut it down or I'll definitely call the cops.

I scanned the crowd one more time. Just then, my eyes caught the person I hadn't been talking to for weeks. The sight in front of me made me cringe. A bimbo had wrapped her arms around him, giving him an intense tongue bath.

My veins started pulsing, my face flushed in angry. The loud blare of music didn't bother me anymore, it grew faint as I drawned into my own uncontrollable rage. It immensely bothered me to the core to witness the disgusting episode in front of me. I balled my hands into fists and I advanced towards them.

I heaved a deep breath and patted my hand on his shoulder. He somehow managed to withdrew from that filthy kissing session and turned towards me.

"Long time, no see." I forced a fake smile on my face before with all my might I slammed my palm across his already flushed face.

I bet that hurt because my own plam stung like a bitch.

He was dumbfounded, froze for a moment, taking some time to process it. He then placed his palm on his cheek and spoke:

"Babe.... I- I can explain."

"I don't want your fucking explanation JANG HYEOKJUN!!" I screamed my lungs out, making the bimbo run for her dear life. If it wasn't for the blaring music that dissolved my scream, the entire crowd would be staring at me, petrified.

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