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"I'm Laon." I turned towards the source of voice, the guy who barely looked 18 approached me and stuck his hand out. He gave me a tour and took me over to a desk near the front and started going over pricing. He was trying to include personal training, supplements and other additions, but I had already tuned him out.

"Look, I just want a membership." I said with frustration laced in my voice.

Laon started in on why personal training was so important when he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Laon, are you giving Yoora a hard time?" My Cocky Neighbour said looking like he had just walked in from outside. He was wearing basketball shorts and a shirt that had the sleeves cut off. The sides under his arms were torn open down the hem of the shirt giving a clean view of his hard torso.

Still it was the most clothes I had ever seen him in. I was starting to wonder if he even had normal clothes.

"Hyung!" Laon said looking at Taehyung like he was a rock star.

"Um, no. She said she was interested in a membership so I was showing her the options available.

"Just add her to the same plan I'm on."

Laon looked like he wanted to say something, but instead turned to the filing cabinet and started pulling out some paperwork.

Taehyung turned towards me with his trademark arrogant smile that I was pret-ty sure made some girls drop their pants.

"Let's go! Laon will do all the paperwork while you workout and you can sign it when you leave. Right, Chief?"

My first impulse was to tell Taehyung to fuck off, but I looked at Laon who was following Taehyung's orders and decided that I did not want to hear any more sales pitches.

I got up and followed Taehyung. My mind raced trying to think of something to say without being too nice. "Do you work here?"

Taehyung laughed, "No. I'm just here a lot."

He stopped and looked at me.

"You coming in to give me a hand-job?"

I realized we were just outside the men's locker room. My face flushed in mortification.

"You wish." I said, but instead of saying it with an attitude, I realized I said it with a smile. Taehyung went into the locker room and I found my way to the women's room to put my purse inside the locker.

I found a treadmill in the back with no one near and began jogging. I had my hair pulled back into a ponytail which swayed with my movements. From my spot, I could view the entire gym floor and quickly spotted Taehyung. I forced my eyes to look elsewhere, but they always came back to him.

It was amazing how much attention he attracted in the gym. Nearly everyone in the place came by to say "Hi" to him like he was some kind of celebrity. It only made me hate him even more. He wasn't a celebrity. Just because he was well built and had a body of a God, didn't mean everyone should treat him like one. No wonder he is so arrogant!

There were only three other women working out, two of whom looked fairly hot. I watched Taehyung play his games and very smoothly approach one to flirt just a little, and when the other girl was occupied, he hit on the other one. By this time, I was using some resistance machines. I knew I was hotter than the other two girls and found myself wondering why Taehyung hadn't hit on me.

"Not that I would want him to hit on me." I told myself.

Taehyung was still working out by the time I finished. I completed the paperwork while keeping an eye on him to see if he noticed me leaving. It appeared like he didn't notice. "Good."

Every day of the following week, I went to the gym after work. Every day I saw Taehyung working out, but not once did he even acknowledge me. I felt great getting back into the routine of working out. I also found myself irritated that Taehyung hit on nearly every woman that worked out while completely ignoring me.


The following Saturday, I was cleaning up my apartment. I hadn't spoken to Jun since his visit despite him leaving several voicemails and texts, apologizing. For now, I just wanted to block him out of my mind until I decided what I wanted to do about our relationship. The weather outside was gorgeous. Clear sky, warm air, but not too hot. I decided to open the windows to let in some fresh air.

When I opened the bedroom window, I spotted Taehyung down by the pool. Two older women were also by the pool relaxing on loungers. Something inside me made me mad every time I saw him. I watched him from my window for several minutes losing track of time in my thoughts of anger that felt almost like jealousy. That would be ridiculous though.

Two guys that I didn't recognize went to the pool area and I suddenly had a thought.

"Maybe I should get to know my neighbors. It's a nice day. Why not go to the pool?" I went to the dresser looking for a bathing suit.

I didn't do a lot of sunbathing so I didn't have many bathing suits to pick from. The first was a basic one piece that I had had for years. The other was a basic bikini. It was red with triangle shaped cups. The bottoms matched the top. I put on the bikini and admired myself in the mirror.

Looking at myself, I internally said:
"Fuck you, Taehyung." and headed to the pool.

As soon as I entered the gate, the two guys were in the pool goofing off and noticed me right away. I had on my big aviator style sunglasses that hid my eyes and acted like I didn't notice the gawking. Taehyung looked up briefly then casually flipped over to lay on his stomach.

I didn't want to sit too close to Taehyung so I picked a lounge chair two spots away from him. I adjusted the back so it was leaned back, but not flat. I wanted to be able to see what was going on.

The sun felt hot on my skin and suddenly I worried about getting burned. Taehyung finally sat up and I did my best to look like I didn't notice. My big sunglasses helped hide my eyes. He glanced my way and did a double take.

It was a small victory, but I felt proud. I wanted nothing more than to tell him he couldn't have me.

Taehyung stood up and grabbed a bottle of something that was next to his chair. He walked casually over to me.

This was it! I could crush him like the worm he really is! Did he really think I was going to fall for the "Can I rub some lotion on you?" line?

"Here you can have some sunscreen. You're so pale that you're going to burn easy out here." He set the lotion next to my chair and left the pool area.

I was stunned!

Was I actually not that, hot? What the hell was going on??

I heard someone clear their throat and I turned to see one of the guys standing by the foot of my chair. Up close I realized these guys were much younger than I originally thought. I assumed now that they were still in High School.

"Can I help rub some lotion on your back?" The taller boy brave enough to ask said as he cautiously stepped forward.

I was furious, frustrated, and a little embarrassed. I looked at him for a minute and stood up.

"No thanks, but help yourself if you need some." I stood up and went back to my apartment.

"Uhhhh..... KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!!"



Taehyung must be laughing internally saying: "Jokes on YOU, Yoora." :D

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