3. Strip chess

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Lacy had woken up to and empty bed. She was surprised to think he left, they didn't even have sex. All Lacy wanted to do was go back to sleep, until the smell of bacon hit her nose and she realized there was the faint sound of music. Lacy had gotten out of bed and made her way to her kitchen. "Well good morning sleeping beauty." Benny's face greater her, handing her a cup of fresh coffee.

Lacy couldn't help but smile at him. "Good morning. I didn't know you could cook." She laughed a little taking a seat at her Little kitchen table.

"Well cooking bacon and eggs really isn't that hard." He said as he brought her a plate of food. Lacy took a second to breath in the smell, before taking a bite for bacon.

"You really didn't have to do this." She stopped eating to look at his while he brought his plate over to the table.

"It was the least i could do, you let me stay here." How could Lacy not fall for Benny Watts? He seemed to be perfect. Everything about him she liked.

"I had a lot of fun yesterday." Lacy brought up, even being tipsy she could still remember the whole night. Just the thought about it made her stomach flip.

Benny started to smirk. "What are your plans for today?" His eyes held aloof of mischief.

Lacy thought for a second. "What did you have in mind?" She smirked back at him. Both had finished their meals so Lacy took their plates to the kitchen.

"We could play a bit of chess." He walked across the room to where she had a glass chess board, that her grandfather had gifted to her for graduation, sitting on her coffee table.

"You're on cowboy." Lacy grabbed a blanket wrapping it around her body as she sat down. He sat on the other side of the table. Lacy started off white, within 6 moves Benny realized she was a really good player. Almost winning in their first match.

"If you're that good, why have you never competed?" Benny asked setting up another game.

Lacy shrugged. "I have played tournaments before, well won them, but I wanted to write and show people my passion for that too. So if it could combine the two I figured that was a win for me." She switched the board so she played black.

They played around 7 games, Benny had lost twice. He was impressed by how tactical Lacy was, how he couldn't see her frustration when she knew there was nothing left to do. She was always so collected. He liked to watch her eyes dance around the board anticipating the next move. She was a very good opponent. Their game was cut short by the ringing of a phone. Lacy had gotten up telling him he better not touch a thing on the board, making him clutch his chest like her was pledging. Lacy giggled as she walked to her phone.

"Hello. Hey mom. Dinner tonight? Sure. Mind if I bring a guest?" Lacy turned her head to look at Benny to see if he'd agree, he simply shrugged and nodded. "See you at 6." She hung up the phone, taking her spot back on the floor. suddenly Lacy felt uncomfortable, like she had just forced him into something. "You don't have to come by the way. I just figured since we were supposed to hang out." She was cut off my him grabbing her hand.

"I'd love to go." He smiled.


The rest of the day was filled with chess, music, laughing, and lots of snacks. Lacy couldn't imagine a better way to spend her day. Lacy had changed into a tight fitting skirt, with a tucked in button up. They stopped by Benny's apartment so he could also change. Lacy didn't mind the small place. It was a one floor like hers, it did need more decoration in her mind.

Benny said he would drive instead of taking a cab. It was about a 45 minute drive to the large house on the outside of the city. When they pulled in Lacy could already see her mother standing in the door way.

I Will Always Bet On You // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now