8. Hospital Visits

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It was four weeks until she was supposed to head to Paris. Two days after her breakup. Lacy was trying to think of an excuse so someone else could report on it. Andrew had stopped by to check on her, she thanked him. Getting his number and information, but in that moment her understood she wanted some time alone.

Lacy's phone wouldn't stop ringing. She knew it was Benny and her work calling. She never finished the article on the predictions on Beth's matches against the Soviets. And she didn't plan on finishing it.

Lacy had called her mom, she needed to get away from her area for a while. She was going to head there once she packed. She had also called Andrew, telling him where she was going, and she wanted to meet when she came back home. Give him a real thank you, not just a drunk to depressed on.

She stayed at her mothers for 5 days. Pretending that everything was alright, but her 4 glasses of wine at dinner every night proved different. When anyone asked her what was wrong, she denied any was wrong, but even her eyes couldn't hide her pain. By the time she went back home she had, emails, voice mails, letters. She didn't open a single one.

Lacy placed her bags down, sighing as her phone started ringing. She answered it. "Hello." Her voice was tired.

"Lacy! Where have you been? We've been trying to reach you for a week. What happen to that article?" Her bosses words rushed through the phone.

"I'm sorry, I can't finish this article. I"ll send you everything I have, but i cant finish." Her voice cracked at the end.

"Lacy, is everything okay?" Her and her boss had a very close relationship.

"I will be." Lacy sighed.

"Okay, send me what you got." With that he hung up. Lacy did as she was told. She was happy that she no longer had to look at was was remaining of this article.

Lacy went to her bathroom, drawing herself a bath. She brought a new bottle of wine and a glass with her. She sighed as she stepped into the warm water. Her glass remained empty as she decided to just drink from the bottle. She sat in the warm water for what seemed like hours. Lacy sighed sliding down the tub, until her chin was the in the water. With one big breath she slid her head under. She watched bubbles from her nose, float to the surface. She had never felt such sorrow.

She stayed under the water until he lungs burnt. Her head popped out of the water, taking a large gasp of air. She hadn't realized that she had been crying until she came out of the water. She grew dependent on Benny, without him she felt lost. She didn't know what she was dong now. Anywhere she went for work, he would be there, same with Beth.

Her bath started to get cold, thats how she knew she needed to get out. Lacy ran her pruned fingers through her wet hair. She felt alone. Even when she had people with her she felt like she was missing something, and it was him.


That's how lacy spent most of her days, she only had two weeks until Paris, and she was dreading that more than anything. She would hang out with Andrew, but he was just a friend. She didn't see him as anything else. Lacy occasionally would get an article to edit, which she didn't mine, it helped her brain escape the chess world.

It was a Wednesday when her phone rang. She wasn't going to answer, but something convinced her too. She was shocked to hear her mothers voice on the other line. "Lacy?" She confused why her mom sounded so formal.

"Mom?" Lacy couldn't hide the worry in her voice.

"It's your grandfather." Lacy's back hit the wall behind her. "He just fell, he couldn't breath. Were in the hospital right now, you need to get here." Amanda's voice cracked. Lac could hear her taking deep breaths, keeping her tears in for the moment.

I Will Always Bet On You // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now