10. Epilogue

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Benny watched Lacy run around their apartment. They both had combined their money to get a bigger apartment. "Benny can you zip me up?" She hollered trying to reach her zipper. Benny smiled, walking up behind her, zipping up her dress. He moved her hair to the side, placing a sweet kiss to her neck. She turned, wrapping her arms around his neck. She planted her lips on his. This moment was beautiful. She wished to cancel their plans, but everyone was coming from so far. They pulled away from each other smiling.

"You look beautiful." He gave her another kiss. He bent down to her stomach, rubbing it. "And how are you doing little guy?" He asked her stomach. She laughed loudly.

"We don't know if its a boy or girl yet." She smiled rubbing her hands on her tummy.

"I have a good feeling it is. But even if it's a little girl, I'd be thrilled." He placed a kiss to her belly.

"How did i get so lucky." Lacy's smiled wide.

"I'm the lucky one." He placed a kiss to her forehead. "I knew I was going to make you mine from the first time saw you. Your big eyes glued to your note pad. You looked so beautiful. I completely lied about not knowing your name." He told her of the first time her saw her. Lacy's heart melted as he spoke.

"When I first saw you I thought you were a hot arrogant cowboy." She laughed her he gripped his chest. "I couldn't wait to see you at the US Open, that's when you sat beside me." She bit her lip. Her cheeks hurt with how much she was smiling.

"I thought you were going to shut me down when I proposed the bet." He told the women truthfully.

"I couldn't shut down a bet from you." She smirked at him. "Now people will be here soon. We need be ready." She kissed his lips again, making her way to check if everything in the kitchen was ready.

Soon after the door rang. Amanda entered the doo with a big box in her arms. "Mom, I told you nothing big." Lacy went to grab the box.

"No, no. I have this. I don't need you putting any stress on my grand baby." She scolded her daughter. Placing the box down Amanda ran to hug her daughter. "How's the baby doing anyway?" She asked.

"Great. Benny thinks it's a boy." Lacy could get the smile off her face. She was too happy.

"Is that a grandmother I hear?" Benny entered the room.

"Oh shut up, you make me feel old." Amanda pulled Benny into a hug.


Within an hour everyone had showed up. Lacy's coworkers, Beth, Townes, Cleo, Hilton, Arthur, Andrew, the twins, they even invited Weiss. They had welcomed everyone, thanking them for the gifts they got. They all sat down, the men instantly talking about chess. They all talked and laughed, playing baby games. Benny and Lacy opened their gifts thanking everyone for them. They had gotten a baby chessboard, clothes, a stroller, toys, and soothers that looked like chess pieces.

Finally it was time to reveal the gender. A chessboard made of cake was brought out. Benny stood behind Lacy, holding a knife together. They slowly cut into the cake. Everyone leaned forward. Taking the first piece out to see it was blue. Everyone cheered. Lacy felt tears well up in her eyes.

"I told you!" Benny turned her around, placing a kiss on her lips. Both were filled with joy. Lacy turned to hug Beth and Cleo.

"I'm so happy for you!" Cleo held her shoulders.

"Thank you." Lacy pulled them into another hug, being overwhelmed by he joy. The men all congratulated Benny as well. Amanda smiled watching her daughter.

I Will Always Bet On You // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now