What Happened?!?

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What had happened? Why were we back at the car? What's wrong? Endless questions raced through my mind. All ones that I wanted answers to.

I had been queuing to go on the biggest, most horrifying, most amazingly fabulous rollercoaster in the entire park, when I get a call from Lou telling us to meet them at the car. And to hurry. Sadly, this meant that !I had to leave the queue to go on that fab thing. And walk back to the car. Missing all the fun that I could be having at that exact moment.

When I reached the car I saw that Zayn was already there. And yes, he was doing his hair. He was so preoccupied with it that he didn't even notice that I was there until I had stole the mirror from his grasp. This really annoyed him, as you do not mess with Zayn and his hair. Their relationship isimportant to them. He's always been the one to care the most about how his hair looks, what he should wear, and his overall appearance.

After around 5 minutes Liam, Harry, an annoyed Louis, and Alexis appeared. All panting and out of breath.

"What happened there?" I asked, as everyone filed into the car.

"Chased.... fans.... screaming. Must.. go!" Alexis exclaimed, through her pants, whilst she tried to catch her breath.

We groaned before starting the cars engine, and off we went.

We decided to go straight home. Even though Niall was desperate to go to Nando's. We decided that it would be best to go straight home, since the fans would guess where we would be, after finding out that we were at the theme park.

When we arrived at the house I went straight to the kitchen. Don't judge me, I was hungry.

Alexia' POV.....

We were now at the house.

I'm worried about Lou, there's something up with him. All through the ride home he never stopped sending death glares at Harry. He can't be that mad, nothing happened.

It's not like we did anything. It was just the spur of the moment. Nothing more. And I bet Harry agrees. It was nothing.

Absolutely nothing......


Hey guys. Sorry it's short. I

Writing this at about 2 am.

So I got an iPod for Christmas. And I was sooo happy. But when I picked it up about 10 mins ago I noticed some scratches on the screen. They weren't there before, so where'd they come from??? I am devastated. And I really don't think mum will be very happy either. She's not home at the mo, since she's picking my bro up from work. But when I tell her I really don't know what she's gonna say. Hope she's not to annoyed or ashamed at me. Also, hope the screen doesn't get any worse. Do you guys know if your able to fix them at all? Hopefully you can. But I really doubt that you can. Spence the iPod touches are just so delicate. Then again, just from looking now, maybe you can. Well I hope you can anyway. Also. I never got laptop screen fixed. Have you noticed that I have problems with the screens on everything??? So yeah. Might have to buy a new iPod screen along with a new laptop screen. Great. *sarcasm intended*. Anyway. Bye guys. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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