Intro/Meet The Characters!

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Okay, so I promised @RainSmile that I would publish this story, so I'm gonna. You see, I promised her AGES ago, but havent had time to, but now I am. I would like to dedicate this to @RainSmile also, you should read her stories, she has some AMAZAYN 1D fanfics there. Anyways, I'm going to stop boring you and get on with the story! 




Recap: Hehe! There is no recap, oh well! XD


18 year old, Alexis Davies lives with her Mum, and Dad, along with her three younger sisters. Millie, age one, Ally, aged eight, and Kristina, aged 13. They live in a beautiful house on a small private beach in Wales. They aren't the richest of people and not the poorest of people either. The daughters often get into little arguaments but nothing serious, their always friends again after. The mother, Sandy, works as a headteacher at a private school, which her daughters attend. Whilst the father, Terry, works as a doctor in the local surgery. Alexis also has a job, as a waitress at the cafe, which earns her some of her money. Ally, Kristina and Alexis all get pocket money, Millie doesn't since she is only very young. Kristina also works at the cafe, she works as a waitress, helping her sister.

Alexis is 18 years old. She is a smart, fun loving girl. She is a loyal friend, people can often be frightened of her though, because she will crush anyone who is mean to her friends or family. Alexis is a kind girl, who is an amazing person once you get to know her. She's confident, as many people would say. Her hair is long and brown, and flows down her back in loose curls, and her eyes are of the most beautiful brown, that twinkle when a plan is forming. Her looks come from her mother. She loves music, and can play the guitar, and drums. She loves most singers, EXCEPT One Direction, she claims them to be, conceited, arrogant and don't give a care for anyone but themselves, her friends think differently. Her friends all love 1D, they consist of Amelia Edward, Oliver Richards, Amanda Lily and Matthew Jones. Her friends listen to One Direction constantly, and are always trying to convert Alexis from a hater, to a lover, but they have epically failed each time.

Kristina, aged 13, on the other hand, loves One Direction. She plays their music constantly, in a form of annoying her sister. Kristina is also a very bright girl, smart and sensible. She is very funny, and loves to sing, she has an amazing voice. She loves to dance also, she goes to dance class every Monday with Alexis, and her best friend Alexandria Law. Alexandria- or Alex, as she calls her- and Kristina have been best friends since the very first day of Primary School. Kristina's other best friends are Mollie Davies, Jessica Evans, and Thomas Jones. Kristina has long blonde hair, that also creeps down her back in curls. Kristina has gorgeous grey-blue eyes. She gets her curls from her mother, and her hair colour, and eye colour from her father. She is extremely beautiful. Kristina, or Kris -as everyone calls her- for short, is a loyal friend. She is bubbly, and funny, she would never leave any of her friends. Kris Has a lot of confidence, but can sometimes be a tinsy bit shy, but most times she's loud and bubbly. She's quite confident in her skin, but can sometimes feel self concious, her friends always make her feel better though.

Ally, aged eight doesn't mind One Direction, although she find her sister's constant playing of their music rather annoying at times. Ally is a bright young girl, though she is very shy. She is still in the primary school, and only has one very close friend. Her best friend is Olivia Dawson, they met in nursery and began to get closer and closer, then becoming best of friends. Once you get to know Ally she comes out of her shell more, taking part in conversations more, and letting loose, having a bit more fun. Ally doesn't take dance like her sisters, but enjoys them teaching her. Instead, Ally does swimming every Wednesday. She swims very well and has become faster and faster over the years. Ally enjoys reading, her sisters do too, sometimes they will read to her, but that is if only they have time. Ally is a very pretty girl, she has long straight hair like her fathers in a lovely blonde colour, she also has the most beautiful green eyes ever.

Thanks for reading! 

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