shopping date

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Talon POV

I got up and went to my barren bathroom to wash my face and do my hair like I always do.

While I got ready, I thought about Penny again. I thought about her beautiful face and her even more beautiful smile. She's my whole dream, the love of my life, and recently, she's been nicer now that I'm not doing any crimes. I wondered why she kissed my forehead, at least, I think it was her. I had an idea for today.

As I finished, I wrapped up my thoughts and got dressed. I decided to wear a purple shirt and blue jeans. I texted my Pretty Penny as I was leaving my plain apartment.

Penny POV

I decided to do a mini, at-home workout since I'm off schedule today. My phone buzzed as I did my last pushup. I rolled over to see a text from Talon. 

meet me out by your car, sunshine.

Awww, sunshine is cute. I thought. Talon has been very romantic lately. It honestly caught me by surprise. 

I grabbed my purse and ran out of the door. I opened the back door of the apartment complex to see Talon leaning on my car playing with his phone. I quietly walked up to him.

"Boo!" I said once I was in front of him, trying to scare him. He moved his phone to look at me.

"Nope, not scared," he said seriously, and then he smiled. Talon never gets scared, believe me, I've tried many times. Sometimes I wonder if he just gets scared on the inside or something.

He throws his disk out on the next parking space, which turns into a motorcycle. "Do you want to drive it?" My jaw dropped.

"You trust me that much? Are you sure?" I said excitedly. He shrugged.

"It's easy to repair," He said casually, "Besides, I trust you completely, you goody-two-shoes." He smirked and handed me a helmet and put one on his head. I did the same.

"I'll show you goody-two-shoes, Talon Claw," I said, faking being mad. He put his hand up in defense as I sat on the motorcycle. He sat behind me after I got settled.

Next thing you know, Penny Gadget was driving Talon's motorcycle, and loving it. In a flash, we got to Metro Moveables, and we got straight to shopping. 

I started to take him to the furniture I was talking about the other day. He immediately liked it and told me how much he loved it. We went to my buddy, Aliya, to help us check out. She told Talon that it'll be delivered today, then we left after he paid. 

"Soo, while we wait, I wanna take you somewhere," He said. I cocked an eyebrow. "Well, can it be a date?" I felt my cheeks turn pink. 

"Wait, can I get ready first? Also, what do you wanna do?" I said rather nervously. 

"You don't need to get ready, you already look beautiful," He smiled at me, and I blushed more, "but I wanted to take you to a coffee shop for lunch, then do some more shopping for me, and for you, if you want, then a restaurant for dinner." He smiled. 

"Talon, are you sure?" I said shocked after he told me. He nodded his head, "well, I'll need time to get ready for dinner."


Talon POV

We got in my motorcycle, me driving this time, and I took her to my favorite coffee shop.

We spent about an hour there, eating and laughing. Then she decided that she wanted to pay to give me a break, I reluctantly agreed. 

I had been saving up money since I was 13, so I have quite a bit of money to spend on my Pretty Penny. 

Then, as promised, we went to Target and a couple of other places to shop. I picked out some decorations for my apartment, and she picked out some decorations for her apartment and other things.

We spent about 2 hours shopping around until it was about 3:00. I drove her home so she and I can get ready for dinner. 

After I was done getting ready, I called the place to make reservations for dinner. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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