parking lot

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I took his hand and he helped me up.

Talon POV

I offered her my hand. She looked at me weird for a second, and I immediately knew why. That gave me an idea.

She took my hand and instead of letting go, I pulled her up to me, and we ended up the same we were on that night. I looked at her bright bluebell eyes, which the stars had lit up perfectly. She was so beautiful.

Her face flushed pink, and she buried her face in my chest to hide it. I leaned back a bit to turn on the radio. It played a nice classical song. With her head still in my chest, I started dancing with her the same way we did all those years ago. Then she looked up at me and smiled. I spun her around and made her giggle a lot. I could tell she enjoyed it.

Then when the song came close to the end, I spun her around so that her back was facing me. Her necklace was at the back of her neck, so I twisted it back to the front. I swayed with her while the song was ending. I felt her shoulders relax and her aura become sad.

I spun her back around when the song ended. I noticed a tear had escaped from her eye.

"But this time, I won't leave you," I said with a smile. I use my thumb to wipe the tear from her perfect face. She smiled a beautiful smile.

I spun her around to the passenger side of her car and opened the door for her. She stepped in.

Penny POV

He had danced with me for what felt like forever. It was magical.


He helped me into the passenger side of the car and got in the driver's side. He was a great driver. He drove me to my apartments with directions from me.

"Hey, you know what?" He said. I looked at him. "I just bought an apartment in this complex." He parked my car close to my room. He looked at me and smiled.

"Really?" I said excitedly. He smiled bigger and nodded his head. "Have you moved in yet?"

"I moved in my current stuff today, that's why I went to the furniture store. I needed a few things." He said, getting out of the car. I started to open the door. "Don't move." I took my hand off the door handle. He came around to my side and opened the door for me. He offered his hand and we walked into the complex together.

"Where's your room?" I asked him.

"339. How about you?" He said. "439. I'm right above you." I said excitedly.

"Oh, wow. That'll be fun." He said, excitedly.

"Show me your apartment. I'll tell you what furniture to pick." I winked at him. He winked back and led me to his apartment.

When I tell you I didn't expect what I saw, I meant it. I expected purple and evil stuff, but he had a lot of wood and good colors. Sure, one of his main colors is black, but still. He incorporated a light purple in his black and cream theme. His apartment had the exact layout of mine, one of the bigger apartments. Boxes laid everywhere.

"Wow, I was not expecting this," I said looking around. An idea popped into my head. "I have the perfect furniture set for you!" I turned to him. "It's black and cream, and I know we have light purple throw pillows."

"Sounds cool, can you work around your schedule?" He asked.

"You can come in with me at 1 tomorrow." I winked at him again.


I woke up in my bed at 10:00 on a Saturday morning. I had stayed up late with Talon cleaning and organizing.

"Yikes..." I said out loud. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone. A message from Quimby popped up on my phone.

quimby: Penny, nothing has been on the MAD radar lately. You've been working hard, so take today off. Always keep your guard up. :)

Yay! I thought. I threw some clothes on, did a quick makeup, and put my hair in a ponytail. When I grabbed my keys and headed for the door, an idea stopped me in my tracks. I smiled.

I dropped all my stuff and opened my balcony door. I walked to the back of the room and started running for my balcony. I jumped off and smoothly landed on Talon's balcony.

I opened his balcony doors and noticed he was sound asleep. I smiled and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead.

I remembered his phone's password, so I unlocked it and put my number in there.

Talon POV

I was awoken by a kiss on the forehead. I dared not open my eyes.

I heard my phone being quietly set back on the floor, footsteps, and my balcony door open. Then I opened my eyes to see Pretty Penny on my balcony going back up to her balcony. I pick up my phone.

New Message: penny ;)

my boss said i can have the day off today so whenever ur ready let's go look for stuff ;)

That little sneak. I love her.

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