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Penny POV

Today is a Wednesday. Wednesday... the 6 of November. I've been doing this furniture job/ secret agent job for almost 2 weeks. It has been so much more fun than I thought it would be. I get to keep my 6 AM routine, which is great. I wake up at 6:00, workout at the gym until 8:00, relax, get ready for work, and show up to work at 1:00.

I've made so many friends. I've also caught the eyes of my male co-workers, and, in fact, every male customer. The girls think it's hilarious. It makes me think about all the times Talon would get jealous every time a boy talked to me, and Kayla would say that... he liked me. Kayla.

I miss her. She left on an isolation training assignment a year ago. Since it's isolation, no service, and no devices. You'd think she'd die on the spot, but I heard she's doing well. I don't know when she's supposed to come back.

I shook my head and got back to stocking. My co-worker, Ethan, and I were the only workers in the store. He was, of course, always staring at me. Made me think about Talon again. 

A customer walked in and I heard Ethan say: 'Hey, man, need anything?'

And the customer said: 'Just looking for now, thanks'

In fact, that voice sounded familiar. I turned my head to look, but Ethan walked in front of me and put his hand under my chin. I felt my face get hotter. 

"Whatcha lookin' for?" He said, quietly. 

"Oh... the customer sounded familiar, so I tried to look," I said nervously.

Talon POV

Uncle Claw told me that he's tired of me and wants me to move out. I literally rejoice at the thought of my own house.

"I'm giving you some money for the apartment, but you have to buy the furniture and stuff," Claw said, in the nicest tone I've ever heard him speak in. "I'm NOT going soft on you, by the way, I just want you out of here." 

"Yea, yea. Thanks, Uncle Claw." I said leaving the room. I wasted no time looking for apartments the next day.

I bought an apartment and the next week, I moved all my stuff into it. I still needed a few furniture items, so I decided to go to a furniture place.

I rode up to this huge furniture store that I've never seen before. Metro City Moveables. Worth a try. 

I walked into the store. The place was huge. It had every type of furniture from modern to vintage. I'm more of a modern guy myself.

I was greeted by a guy about an inch shorter than me. I'm 6'.

"Hey, man, need anything?" He said.

"Just looking for now, thanks," I said back. He smiled and walked back to a shelf that I saw a girl peeking out of. A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Wait a minute.

I casually strolled over there to get a better look at her when I saw Penny, yes, it was her, and the guy towering over her with his hand on her chin. She looked uncomfortable.

My Pretty Penny.

Rage filled my eyes. 

Penny POV

I was definitely stuck. My eyes scattered for ways out. Then I spotted the customer out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey!" He caught our attention. 


I smiled. Then a smirk. I roundhouse kicked Ethan while he was distracted and that put him on the floor. He started to get up, so I ran to get behind Talon. I clenched my necklace.

Talon POV

Penny kicked him onto the floor and ran behind me. It was super cute. And she is so beautiful. I understand why this guy was trying to hit on her. 

"Who do you think you are." I got snapped out of my thoughts by this douche's voice. 

"Talon Claw," I said in a serious and deep voice. His eyes went wide. 

"Well... uh..." He stuttered and ran off. My job here was done.

Penny POV

Ethan ran off after Talon revealed his identity. Talon looked at me over his shoulder. 

"When's your shift over?" He asked me in a calm voice. I was shocked that he actually talked to me. I looked at my watch. It read 6:55.

"7:00, I just have to clean up a few things before I leave," I said nervously. He smiled.

"Can I help?" I nodded.


It was 7:10 when we left, laughing and giggling the whole way out of the store. He walked me to my car. 

"Drive safe." He said kindly. 

"I'll try, I can't see well in the dark," I said giggling. 

"Do you want me to drive you home?" He offered.

"Well, don't you need to drive home?" I questioned. He pulled out a disk.

"I rode my motorcycle here." He put the motorcycle disk back in his pocket.

"Oh, well, it would be nice," I said getting out of the driver's seat. Talon offered his hand and I looked up at him.

Just like that night.

I took his hand and he helped me up.

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