new uniform

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Penny POV

I woke up the next morning feeling like a brand-new Penny Gadget. I continued my normal schedule, slightly tweaking certain habits to fit my new agent role. From this day on, I would be famed as Agent Penny Gadget.

I was beyond excited for my new job. I drove with my favorite playlist blaring to HQ, or, formerly known as "Metro City Moveables", the biggest furniture store in town. I jumped out of my car and walked up to the main entrance. I walked in and went in an employee-only door, just as Quimby told me to do. Racks of pillows, interior decor, and extra furniture boxes were inside the room. At the back, there was an elevator. I stepped into the elevator and went down to the lower level.

I was greeted by Chief Quimby, who was expecting me.

"​Hello, Agent Penny, right this way," Quimby said, in a serious tone. I was internally screaming. "So, Penny, I do not have a mission for you yet, but I've called you here today to show you the ropes of the brand-new HQ." He said in excitement. I gave him a look of confusion.

"​Brand-new HQ?" I questioned.

"​Yes, I'm sure you're aware we're under a furniture store." He inquired.


"​Well, we don't let just anyone work here, just in case our secret gets out." Oh no.

"​So you're implying that I get to work upstairs."

"​Correct, as always, dear Penny. This way, the people won't find our base, and it's a way for our agents to patrol."

Well, at least this isn't my first customer service job.

"​Whatever you need, Chief."

"​Alright, I'll show you the store."


He continued to show me the store, what jobs I'll work, and my co-workers. 

"Oh, I forgot to mention, you also have a new HQ uniform," Quimby said.

"Awesome, where is it?" I questioned excitedly.

"Haven't ordered it yet, but here's a catch: you get to customize it," Quimby said as he used the store's computer to show me. He pulled a holo 3D model for me to customize. "I'll leave you to do that. Send it to me as soon as you're done." Quimby said as he slipped out of the room.

I've always been the creative type, so I thought up a comfortable idea, fits my body, and is super cute. (pic. at the title) It included a comfortable crop top with a triangle cut at the bottom, some nice stretchy pants, some boots, and of course, my codex gloves. (not pictured sowwe I forgot)

I thought of my uncle and dog as I was making the uniform and shot Uncle Gadget a letter about the new facility. Made me smile.

I sent the design to the chief in a flash. He sent me a message back saying: 'Thanks, Penny. It will be ready by tomorrow.'

I grabbed my work uniform, threw my hair up into a bun, and got to work. 

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