talon's necklace

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Penny POV

I fiddled with my necklace.


I flew out of that aisle like a fox trying to catch its prey. I did not want to talk to him on a night like this. If I had to fight him I would explode.

I fiddled with my necklace as I thought about the night he gave it to me. 

flashback ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Talon, in all of his grace, sat beside me. We had been on a mission at a fancy ball, dancing, and now we're talking about our lives. I never realized how hard his life is. He had explained to me that he was having lots of training going on, and he was soon discontinuing his missions for a while. I told him the same was to happen to me.

We both looked at each other, taking in each other's beautiful features. I so desperately wanted to kiss him even just for a moment, although I would love to kiss him for hours.

I held myself back, still locking eyes with him.

He stood and held out his hand to help me up. We danced on the ancient balcony we were on for a few more minutes. I couldn't hold myself together anymore. I hugged him tighter than I've ever hugged anyone.

After a few minutes, he turned me around to hug me from behind, and we swayed for a while while I watched the night sky.

I felt one of his hands leave my waist. He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. He took both of his hands off of me and placed something on my neck. I had spaced out, so I didn't know that he had left quietly.

I snapped out of it when I heard a door shut. I looked behind me and saw Talon was no longer with me. When I flipped my short hair around back to the sky, something on my neck flipped with me.


After that night, I never dared to take it off. I never saw him again. 

I looked down at the beautiful necklace. A tear shed from my bluebell eye. I quickly wiped it away.

My habit was fiddling with my necklace. Sometimes it made me feel like he was with me. 

I walked to the checkout line with the most anxiety ever know to man. My heart was about to fall out of my chest. I was as red as a tomato. 

What made it worse is I saw Mr. Hairgel boy in the line next to me. He caught me glancing. 

And for SOME REASON, I waved at him. Stupid.

What really caught me off guard is that he waved back. 

Talon POV

Seeing Penny made me think back to the night I gave her the necklace. 

flashback ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The beautiful Miss Penny Gadget sat next to me on this fine night. We were on a mission at this super fancy mansion, currently by ourselves on a balcony. I explained to her that I was going to be having lots of training going on and that I won't be going on missions for a while. She told me that she was having similar training and preparation going on.

I looked at her with desperation. I didn't want to leave her. I so desperately wanted to kiss her. I tried to hold myself back.

To help, I stood and held out my hand, implying I wanted to dance some more.

We danced for what felt like forever, but a good forever. I was thinking about how much I loved this girl when I noticed her eyes watering. To hide it, she gave me the biggest hug I've ever received. It was adorable.

After a few minutes, I spun her around to hug her from behind, making up a plan as I go. I stayed with her for a few minutes, and then I reached into my pocket to dig out the necklace I had perfectly crafted just for her. There was a light blue gem on the necklace with little purple gems around it. I permanently inscribed my scent in the blue gem. It matched her, and I threw bits of me in there.

I took both my hands off of her to place the necklace on her. I didn't know if she noticed because she kept swaying. I ran my hands down her back, to her waist, to take one last sniff of her. I gently swept my hands off of her waist. Even though I wanted to stay, I knew I had to go.

Another mission failed, but a necklace was delivered.


I snapped out of it and made my way to the checkout line. 

I saw Penny there; she looked like she was in a hurry. I caught her looking back at me.

To my surprise, she waved at me. Very cutely, might I add. I awkwardly waved back. She turned as red as a tomato.

After this whole ordeal, she left pretty quickly. 

I drove home, thinking about her the whole way home. I missed her smile.

When I got home, I cried the same way I did the night I left her.

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