Plans And Predicitons

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Killian's Pov
"So what are we going to do?" David asks.

I sit, staring down at my beautiful wife laying on the paper white hospital bed, with the constant sound of evenly spaced beeps filling the room. Our small group fills the room.

Regina stands by the door, with Snow and David on the other side. David is pacing the length of the small room, as Henry sits on the other side of the bed in a chair. I laid Hope next to her mother, hoping it would give Emma some sort of comfort wherever she is. I brush my hand down the side of her face, placing her matted hair behind her ear.

"We have no clue how to break this curse or who even cast it," Snow says.

"Well we do have one lead," Regina says deep in thought.

"What do you mean?" I look up to her.

"I don't trust Gold one bit. He knew about the curse before any of us did and he figured it out before he even saw Emma. He's hiding something and I have a feeling that he knows a lot more about this than we do," Regina states.

"Of course it's the crocodile," I grit my teeth.

"If Gold didn't give anything away when he told us about Emma, he's not going to tell us anything else. I know him, but he did give away one clue. Something that Captain Guyliner and Mr. Charming discovered," she looks to David and I.

"What did we find?" David's brows furrow.

"I don't think I am quite certain about what you are talking about your majesty," I reply.

"Gold's dagger. Someone stole it. And there is no way Gold would leave that thing unguarded or at least with him at all times," Regina explains.

"Well there are many protection charms that the dark one could have used that can easily be broken by someone of this magnitude of magic," I recall from my dark one days.

"Gold wouldn't be so careless. Knowing him and myself quite frankly there is only one spell that would cut it," Regina waits for us all to catch on.

"Bloody hell," I pinch the bridge of my nose, realizing the answer, "Blood magic."

"Exactly which leaves us with only so many options as to who is related to Rumple or the witch that did this to Emma is much more powerful than originally estimated," the queen lays out the complexity of the situation.

'What did this witch want with the dagger?" Snow asks.

"To control the dark one? Maybe that's how she cursed Emma and that's why grandpa is acting so suspicious, because he isn't in control of his actions," Henry concludes. Smart boy.

"We need to find that dagger. Maybe it will lead us to this new villain. But if they do have control of Rumple, then we will be facing the power of the dark one and a very powerful witch or wizard," a worried expression forms on Regina's face.

"But how do we find the dagger?" Snow asks.

"Well considering we have a former dark one in this room, it shouldn't be too hard to find. We just have to find the right spell," Regina looks to me.

"If it helps us get closer to Emma, I'll do whatever it takes," I reply, trying and failing to not let my hopes get up. But even the slimmest chance of getting closer to having my wife back, brings me hope.

Yzma's Pov
I wave my hand in the direction of a small purple box. It opens with the motion of my finger. I walk slowly over to the box, the purple train of my dress flowing behind me and my heels steadily hit the floor.

Inside the box is a crystal orb.

I pick it up and hold it delicately in my palms, careful of my long dark nails on the glass.

I swipe my hand in the direction of the small cabin fire. An intricately formed throne appears, as the fireplace changes to a black brick. The flames burn a purple color with green tips.

I sit in the throne, placing the glass bauble in my lap. I straighten my elaborate crown that sits at the peak of my head, reveling in the calm before the storm.

Inside the glass orb is a swirling green smoke, trying to escape, but is imprisoned in the glass. Strange whispers feed off of the mist.

"Be patient," I reply to the whispering, "You will soon have your time. And then when the world is once again in chaos, no one will be able to stop me and I will be the most powerful sorceress to ever live," I whisper to myself, trailing my nail along the orb.

I smile cruel at the thoughts of the havoc I will create and the throne I will sit in once I am queen.

"I will show my brother true power," I grip the orb, "And my mother will regret choosing him over me. I'm going to make all those who defied me pay and they will ask for mercy, but I will not give it," my fingers on the bauble tighten.

Furry races through all my senses, that I don't hear the footsteps approaching.

"You alright my queen?" Clint breaks the daydream.

"Yes, of course," I release my grasp on the orb, before the glass breaks, "Did you find her?"

"Yes," Clint states quickly, his arms positioned behind his back like a solitary soldier.

"Is she cooperating?" I question.

"As expected, no. She has not," Clint gazes at the lock door behind him.

"Well we will have to change that. Won't we?" I say fluidly.

He nods. I pick up the bauble and place it back in the box, pulling out a small syringe. I place the needle in the small opening of the orb, gathering a small amount of the green mist in the capsule of the shot. I shut the box, placing the incantation back onto it, locking it away.

"Let go see our prisoner now. Shall we?" I hold the syringe in one hand and open the wooden door with the other, bolting it behind us.

What do you think Yzma is up to? And who do you think the prisoner is?

Hope you liked this chapter even though it is unedited. I know it is short, but I couldn't lengthen it anymore without giving away more than I wanted to. Plus I wanted to leave you on a little bit of a cliffhanger.

As always comment, vote, and theories. I love all of the ones you guys have come up with already. You are all so creative and it's awesome.

See you guys next update. Thanks.

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