Past Selves

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Yzma'a Pov
(In the Past)
"Rumplestiltskin. Rumplestitskin. Rumplestiltskin," I call out into the open dark air.

There is a poof of red smoke and a man dress in leather appears before me.

The villain hops down from the rock he landed on. "Hello dearie. " the man asks in a singsong voice, coming closer to me. My features harden at the disgusting face before me. The man's face wasn't exactly what disgusted me. It was the man he was, what he was to my mother.

"Do you speak? Or are you mute miss?" the dark one appraoches me, a look of confusion crosses his face.

"What's wrong dark one? Can't read me like you can your other customer?" I taunt the man.

"Well yes. Usually I can easily see what one wants and who they are. You see I have the power to envision the future. But with you it doesn't seem that simple," he curiously walks around my still figure planted firmily at the center of a clearing surrounded by trees.

"My mother taught me how to both master and protect against dark magic. You can't see my future becuase I won't let you," I say sterny.

"At such a young age too. You must be only," he paces around me calculating my age.

"Seventeen," I reply for him.
"Well then what can I help you with? I at least know that most people don't call upon me unless they need something. So what deal can we strike?" Rumplestitskin makes his classic gesture.

"I'm not here for a deal. I'm here for you," I suggest.

"For me? Well why is that. I am quite a celebrity dearie, but most people avoid me when possible," the man replies.

"As I said, I deal with dark magic. And I need a teacher. My mother only knows so much," I look up from the ground, dead into his eyes.

"And why would I do that?" Rumplestiltskin questions.

"You love your deals. I know you're trying to cast a curse to return you to your son, but with Regina you'll never succeed," I try to cover my smirk, as everything seen to be following my plan.

"And why is that? She is one of my most successful pupils," Rumplestiltskin says, "And how do you know so much about my life?"

"You could say I'm a fan of you work. And we both know that's not true. Regina isn't strong enough to cast your curse, but I am. There is nothing I love in this world that isn't worth destroying for a good cause," I reply, knowing I have caught his attention.

"You play a good bargain dearie, what is your name?"

"Elin. Elin Drephas," I respond concealing my thoughs from his future thinking brain, hiding my true identity.

"Well Elin. You have struck yourself a deal. You cast my curse, and in return I teach you the art of dark magic." I knew he would agree. To play a dark one all you have to do is play to his need for power and hide the things that make you untrustful. "But I will warn you. You do not want to know what happens to people who don't fulfill their end of my bargains. I need this curse cast, and I won't take a second though to hurt you if you fail."

"You don't scare me, dark one," I don't flinch as he invades my personal space to intimidate me.

"I should."

No you should very much be scare of me. You took my childhood away from me, just because my mother planned to use me to find her better family. And now I'm going to take away everything you've got, and prove to my mother that you aren't the one she should have chosen.

It should've been me.

Hook's Pov
The voices in my head won't stop after I isolate myself on my ship. They tell me vile, awful things. They won't stop.

The pain of losing Emma is unbearable.

But the voices tell me horrible things about her.

It's conflicting.

I quell the swell of emotions the only way I know.

One drink turns to two. And two turns to many.

So I know it's been a hot second since I update, but I finally made it happen. Feel free to let me know what you think, any theories you have, all of that. I like hearing what you guys think, and sometimes even, your theories give me new ideas.

Anyways, what do you think is going to happen to Yzma and Rumple? And to Hook?

I'll try to update soon.

See you next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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