Flashing Forward

308 13 39

Killian's Pov
"Okay princess, I'm ready," I say, covering my eyes with my hands.

"One moment. Wait here Hope," a voice calls that I haven't heard for all too long, "You father may be a changed man, but a pirate is always a pirate. I'm not letting him cheat this time."


A rush of warmth spreads to my chest hearing her voice, as light as it is. I smile, shocked by her sudden appearance. She's unconscious. Cursed. I think to myself, but I ignore it because I'm too happy to hear just her voice.

I can't see anything through my fingers covering my eyelids. I hear a soft patter of feet coming into the room. I hear the weight in them. Emma.

My heart races as I hear her coming closer. I don't know if I want to chuckle or to cry at her as she calls me a cheating pirate with humor to her tone. Oh how I have missed her.

"I don't cheat," I call out into space.

"I don't think that's true dad, considering the amount of games you have won by smuggling pieces and in turn that's called cheating," I hear a voice from the bathroom.

One I don't recognize. Hope. But you're just a baby. Her voice, barely containing the fragment of an accent she must have picked up from me. Something I am sure Emma got on me about.

"You know she's not wrong, Jones," I hear Emma's voice closer this time.

"Wasn't my fault I have to compete against such smart competitive women," I say, though the words feel like they are just slipping out of my mouth, no energy behind them, "It's just simply unfair."

"Dad is just too bloody scared that he is going to lose," Hope's voice rings out once again.

"Hope! Language," Emma scolds, nearing me.

I chuckle to myself.

"You know she gets her sailors mouth from you," I feel Emma's hand touch my bicep and travels down the length of my arm.

I sigh at the contact, the hairs on my arm standing up as she runs her smooth hands down my arm, the touch making me almost completely unfold, having missed her so damn much.

I want to drop my hands from my face, but they feel glued to my eyebrows. I can't move them. I want to actually see my Emma, make sure she's not an illusion and kiss her from head to top, but I can't seem to move my hands.

"Like father like daughter," I say, too shocked by her touch to realize the words tumbling from my mouth.

"And you are both impossible," Emma states.

I can't feel her sit down in my lap, her weight resting comfortably on my legs. She shifts to wrap her hands around mine, making sure I won't be doing any peaking. It feels too surreal.

"Okay Hope. You can come out now?" Emma adds.

I hear heels click on the floor as another set of feet come from the bathroom.

"Okay you can look now," Hope's voice echoes around the room.

Emma's hands remove from mine, and my dropping along with hers, the glue holding them there seemingly vanishing. Light filters into my vision and two figures stand in front of me.

A young teenage girl stands in the center of Emma and I's bedroom. Her hair loosely curled falls to her waist and her ocean blue eyes stand out against the makeup she wears. I would know those eyes anywhere. My hope.

She does a little twirl, showing off the beautiful gown that drapes her body. The off the shoulder white straps, billow out around her upper arm. At the top of her dress blue gems frame the neckline of her gown and the top half of the dress is white with pink and grey flowers weaving in and out of the slim bodice. The waist reveals more blue gems and then floods out in a poofy cobalt skirt.

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