Potions And Prisoners

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Yzma's Pov

"A little birdie has told me that you haven't been cooperating," I walk into the, running my nail along the edge of the glass syringe.

"I am not telling you or giving you anything," the prisoner says, her hands chained behind her and her head hanging forward.

"I'd think very carefully from here on out, because you may be powerful, but oh I have a whole new definition of power," I kneel down so I can see her face, "Do you want me to show you my power? Cause I can."

She remains silent in the chair.

"I thought so, but let me ask you one more question. Were you afraid of my mother, the Dark Fairy?" I tilt my head, curious of the answer.

"Your mother was cruel and evil, but Fiona never scared me. We defeated you mother and we will defeat you," the prisoner glares at me.

"Well good thing I am not my mother then, because I should scare you. Now are you going to give me what I need, or am I going to have to take it?"

"Do what you will. I will never give you what you ask for," she responds.

"So be it," I walk over to a table that holds miscellaneous magical and non-magical supplies.

Clint walks out of the room.

I tap the syringe twice, "Have you heard of the green mist? It's from a land called Narnia. Very hard to get. I had to open a portal there myself while I was in the Enchanted Forest, but to get it here that was easy. You see when the prince and the pirate took their little excursion to the Enchanted Forest, they unknowingly released the mist into Storybrooke and I stored a bit of it. Do you know what it does, Mother Superior?" I ask the Blue Fairy, her eyes glaring at me.

I am only returned by silence.

"It preys on your greatest weakness, your greatest fear. Shall we see what yours is?" I use magic to conjure a clear mask to block out the mist.

I walk back over to her, releasing the mist into the air, letting it infiltrate the Blue Fairy's lungs and eyes.

The whites of her eyes show, as the mist causes her mind to go fuzzy, before it focuses on a vision of her greatest fear. 

I close my mind as the mist does it's work, focusing on the fairy in front of me. My hands swirl in front of me and with a flick of my wrist, the image Blue sees in her head is conjured before me.

In the vision another Superior is running from something in the woods, running down steep slopes to get away. It eventually catches up to her. She's screaming, as she falls to the ground.

The images of the person running after her is blurry, but one this is for sure, whoever it was drains her magic with a wood wand, leaving her powerless. The scene fades away like dust, just as quickly as it came.

The vision flashes to a younger Blue, maybe 11 or 12. An older woman stands before her.

"You'll never become anything, Blue. You fail in your studies and you'll fail as a fairy," the older woman says and snatches Blue's wand from her.

"But Professor please, wait..." the young fairy pleads, as the older fairy waltzes away.

The scene falls into dust one more time and changes to a shadow diving deep into the tunnels of the mines. On either side is covered by thick layers of rock. The shadow quickly turns down the twisting tunnels.

It pauses at the end of a tunnel, hitting a dead end. The shadow figure pauses before using magic to crack the heavy rock and ripping a box from the breaking stones. The box flips open. Inside the box is the wooden wand, covered in a layer of dust. There it is. The most powerful wand in all the realms.

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