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Info for later in chapter:

Arawn is a villain from a book series called The Chronicles of Prydain. This isn't exactly correct to the books, but he is part of this chapter as a minor character. The father of Yzma. Basically is just there for a name, so if you know him great, if not you'll be fine. All you need to know is that he is trying to conquer this land called Prydain, he lives in this place called Annuvin, and he is very powerful. That's it. Okay onto the story.

Killian's Pov
I cradle Hope in my arms, while struggling to reach for the keys in my pocket. I pull them out and unlock the front door of our house.

I walk in letting the bags hanging from my arms slide onto the floor. Hope gurgles, turning my attention to her.

"Hey princess," I look at her, my eyes saddened by how much she looks like Emma, "Looks like we finally made it home, huh."

She smiles her toothy smile, her hands in her mouth.

The corner of my lips turn up into a half smile.

"We're going to be okay. Aren't we baby?" I look to the small child in my arms.

The house feels all too quiet and the air too heavy. Too empty.

I sigh, glancing around the open space that brings so much pain to my heart, but I am trying so damn hard to move away from grief and focus on my daughter. The future. Instead of the past. But I was supposed to do this with her, my Emma. And everything just feels blurry now with her gone.

I feel tears welling up in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. Not in front of my daughter. She deserves a happy family, even if part of it is missing. I am going to raise this child the best that I can, for Emma. They both deserve that. So I push away my guilt and sadness. And force a small smile onto my face, holding the little bundle closer into my chest.

Fiona's Pov
(The Black Fairy)
"Arawn," I say to the man standing in front of me.

"Yes Fiona," he says, not turning around.

"I'm pregnant," I say, unfrightened of the villainous man in front of me, a man of great power.

"And you expect me to congratulate you," he says stone-faced.

"You're the father," I add.

"To that I expected," the death-lord as they called him says, "But you will receive no kindness from me."

"I think you are lying to yourself. You see there is more in this child than you might know," I reply, unwavering.

"What could a babe possibly give me?" he asks.

"I supplied you the Black Cauldron from the Dark Realms..." I begin to speak.

"Which might I remind you failed. Prydain is still out of my hands and Annuvin goes hungry, wasting away, when I should feast on a throne," he turns to me sharply, for the first time matching my gaze.

"And a bargain you have not yet fulfilled on your end. Maybe that is why your cauldron failed it's purpose," I combat his anger calmly, "You promised me the return of my son in trade for your cauldron and new found powers. Where is my son now?"

He stands with nothing to say, clearly realizing my place on the upper hand.

"You know of my power. You want it. That's why you stand down before me," I glare at him, "I need this child. And so do you. You need an heir. I drop the charges against my son if you raise this child in Annuvin. Teach her your dark magic as one of your own huntsmen. She will take you place at the right side of your throne and I can use her powers to find my son."'

"And what makes you say I take your deal?"

"You are hungry for more power. You always are. Our power in combination in the child could be the change in tide that you need to take over Prydain. Do you take the deal?"

"Yes, but if you intend to double cross me Fiona like last time, I promise you it will be your last."

I smile, turning away. Of course I don't intend to keep the deal. I just need this child to learn from his power and turn her into the most powerful sorceress to ever live. Having powers from both me and the King of Annuvin himself. And then use her to find my son and rule over the realms. No one will be able to stop the black fairy, the dark one, and the heir to annuvin. My Yzma.

Killian's Pov
Hope's eyes finally fall shut after a half hour of squirming and crying.

I sigh in relief and place the little girl into her crib, her blanket swaddled tightly around her chest.

I walk out of the room quietly out of the room, closing the door slowly.

I sink down against the door slowly.

"What am I supposed to do, Em? Give me a sign, anything," The tears return to my eyes again.

I am returned by silence.

I close my eyelids, a few tears running down my cheeks.

Sorry this chapter is kinda short, just had to get this info out there. And I also apologize if I have been MIA for a while. I have been trying to update my book, "Innocents," as often as I can because I want to publish it in the future and it is a project I have been working on for years. So I'm sorry if this book is updated not as often. Thanks for the support you guys.


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