*~*Chapter 19*~* "Tonight I Need You To Stay!"

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*~*Chapter 19*~*
"Tonight I Need You To Stay!"

•Quinton's POV•

"What do you mean I can't be in there when she gives birth!" I yelled at a nurse.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't be in there with your wife in this condition." She said putting her mask back over her mouth and going back into the room that held my wife.

My Mickey. The beautiful love of my life. The strong one in our family. The mother of my children.

She has to survive this. She has been through way worst then this and has survived. This, this cannot be how it is. I can't lose my Mickey.

"Daddy!" A small voice yelled from behind me.

I turned around to see Xander running towards me and Ace and Axel behind him with Ian.

"Hey buddy." I kneeled down so I could hug him.

"Where's mommy?" He whimpered into my jacket.

"She's getting ready to have your brother and sister." I said looking up at Ian.

Ace and Axel then ran towards me as well and we all sat there hugging. Eventually I had Ian take them to see Angel then home.

Angel successfully gave birth to a baby boy and girl.




I was woken up by a nurse.

"Yes!" I asked sitting up worriedly.

"Congratulations you're the father of a baby boy and girl." She said.

"What about my wife!" I demanded.

The way her expression on her face changed explained everything. The room started spinning and I sat down again. This couldn't be real. It had to be a dream.

"No." I whispered to myself.

"She's in a coma. these first 24 hours are crucial. You may see her." She turned around and walked away assuming I'd follow.

I followed her into a room that was rather cold. And there on the bed in front of me was Mickey. Snow White skin. Hair black as night. Just as I remembered her. Absolutely stunning in the most tragic times.

"I'll leave you alone. The babies will be brought in soon." The nurse said leaving and closing the door.

"Oh Mickey." I said sitting beside her grabbing her ice cold hands. She had always had cold hands.

" I need you to stay with me baby. Just for tonight I need you to stay." I kissed her hands.

I don't remember the first set of tears falling out of my eyes. But at that moment I didn't care who saw.

Mickey had always been the strong one. She wouldn't cry, but I'm not her.

"I love you so much." I used my other hand to stroke her soft face.

And at the moment I knew what pain really felt like. I'd lost people before, but only once. I lost Mickey before, but losing her again, right now for a second time. This wasn't just pain this was torture.


Wow! So it's been awhile! My life has been hectic! I needed inspiration and I finally got it! My relationship is going great! Ben is just great! So guys feedback as always is appreciated!

Song of the chapter is Run and Go by 21 Pilots!

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