*~*Chapter 16*~* "We must be more then just machines."

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*~*Chapter 16*~*

"We must be more then just machines."

I sat at the kitchen table with two things. A spoon and a container of Betty Crocker's whipped vanilla icing.

"Mickey seriously. Do you realize how unhealthy that is for your babies?" Angel said sitting down beside me.

"Dude your pregnant two don't judge."

I said stuffing the spoon in my mouth

"Yeah but i'm eating healthy for my babies and me." She said stuffing a carrot in her mouth.

"I used to scoop ice cream out of the container with pieces of pizza. While I was pregnant with the boys. I'm sure this one will be fine." I scoffed.

I looked down at my stomach and sighed.

"What's wrong Mick?" Angel asked looking at me.

"I'm just so depressed lately. Actually I'm always depressed but it's been really bad lately." I looked up at the ceiling.

"It's normal to be depressed during the pregnancy, and you have bi polar depression so it makes sense that it would be affecting you especially during your third trimester." She said.

"I know but I have to go talk to Quinton." I said getting up quickly and walking out of the garage and got into my car pulling out not looking back.

I drove down the road trying to keep from crying I can't tell you how many times I ran my hand through my hair and punched that steering wheel. I can remember one thing though, I kept 'Machines' by Crown The Empire.

"Where will you run when there's no place left for you to hide?" I sang in sync.

I pulled into the parking lot and walked in quickly.

"Is he in with someone?" I asked quietly to Debby.

She shook her head sadly yes, she knew something was wrong.

"Damn it! DAMN IT!" I hissed walking around the small lobby area of the law firm.

After a couple of minuets of waiting I left. I walked out of the front door and ignored the yells behind me as Debby tried to get Quinton to hurry up. I wasn't really sure why I was upset. I wasn't upset at Quinton, I mean he has a job and all and is working to keep our family a float. I had just gripped the handle of the door to my Escalade when someone gripped my fore arm.

I turned around and looked at the person.

"Where are you going? Is something wrong?" Quinton asked staring at my face waiting to see if my facial expression will falter and allow him answers.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you." I said putting up mask with my classic fake smile that I'd perfected in high school.

"Bull shit. I'm tired of the lies Mickey. We had gotten to the point where you were finally opening up and then that jack ass comes back and ruins you again. I had just gotten you to open up. It took me ten fucking years and he ruined that in four months." Quinton said clearly pissed.

"I don't want this baby! I'm trying to do the right fucking thing here Quinton. I've always been insensitive. But I'm sorry I cannot keep this child." There. I had finally opened up about what had been bothering me these last few months. Does it make me a bad person to not want my rapist baby when I have a family of my own.

"Mickey. Does this feel wrong?" He asked laying his hand on my large stomach.

"I'm sorry but I can't. I can not have this little girl. I will give birth to her but I can't keep her. I've already made up my mind." I said looking at my feet as the tears began to flow.

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