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Things had been quiet since I returned stateside and I was thankful for it. Miguel kept his promise and found an office space in town that he conducted his business from. Now our home was only a home, no dodgy business meetings or late night phone call, only his undivided attention.

I had been given free rein to redecorate and that was what I kept myself busy doing. I removed the paltry attempt of print artwork that had been stuck to the wall like a projectile vomit of colour. Instead I painted over the crisp whites to warmer colours and hung my own new pieces. It surprised me how quick I became accustomed to having strangers walking the premises armed to the teeth. They didn't speak to me which suited me perfectly.

I was currently painting a life size portrait of Albert as he slept on the sheepskin rug in front of me. The fire was glowing gently behind him keeping us warm as the winter winds blew outside. I looked at the table and saw our dinner waiting and my stomach rumbled. This was the first night he had been late in the 5 weeks we had been back.

I had planned a candle lit dinner for two, soft music and a glass of mulled wine but it looked like that would not be the case. Giving into my hunger, I nibbled slowly at my plate until it was all gone and still no Miguel. I took his plate and put it in the microwave before packing up my art supplies. I tried to read a story from the library I had made from a spare room, but my mind was to preoccupied. Giving up, I decided to take it to bed with me. I had been looking forward to telling Miguel the doctor had signed off my final check up - I was more than ready to ride the Galindo train again.

I put Albert in his room and turned on the musical mobile above his cot before entering the master suite. I flicked on the light and noticed the chill in the air. The curtains were blowing and I found the balcony door was open when I was sure I had closed it. A sick feeling of dread landed in the pit of my stomach as I saw the piece of paper on my pillow.

You shouldn't have come back.

I rushed to get my phone out of my pocket and dialled my brother. He would know what to do. He answered on the first ring because texts were our go to unless it's an emergency.

"Libi?" He asked quickly.

"Someone's been here." I said panicking as I look around the room expecting someone to jump me.

I thought of my son and hoped he would be alright if something happened to me. I had to see him first. I ran to Albert's room that I had left him in only moments earlier. His wardrobe door was wide open, as was his balcony door. I crumpled beside his empty cot, still feeling the warm spot he had laid on.

"They took him!" I screamed into the phone. "They took my baby!"

I opened the balcony door in a rush, not caring that it smashed loudly against the concrete pillar, cracking the glass. There I found a ladder still leant up against the railing. I tried to see across the dark expanse of land but I couldn't see anyone around. Stars spotted my vision as I felt my world crashing around me.

Arms grabbed my shoulders roughly and shook me from my stupor. I looked up through blurred vision and wiped the tears away. Miguel was looking at me like I held the answers but I knew nothing, my brain was fried. I held out the crumpled paper as I hugged my legs to my chest and wished I never came back. It was all my fault, I knew better and I should have fought harder to stay in Paris. Then my son would still be here.

"We will get him back." My brother said as he stepped into my line of vision. "On my life."

"Who would do this? Who would take an innocent child?" I cried into my knees.

"Look, we got Cristobal back and we will get Albert back too." Nestor stated matter- of-factly.

"They took Cristobal too?" I cried even more, what monsters lived in his world. "You aren't talking about tonight are you?"

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