update (not a chapter)

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Hey everyone. I'll probably delete this soon or attach it to the next chapter I post.

I wanted to apologize because I haven't been writing or updating. I think I might have mild depression--nothing too serious or anything to worry about, but I definitely lose motivation sometimes, whether it be working out, cleaning, grocery shopping, outdoor activities, etc. I'm okay. I'm not sad or lonely or anything. And I don't want to worry any of you at all... there are actually a lot of good things going on in my life! I just wanted to let you know that I've been in a bit of a funk and haven't been writing. Not a day goes by that I don't think about this. Not even exaggerating. Every single day I tell myself I need to keep writing. I just either can't bring myself to do it sometimes or I'm genuinely too busy. It breaks my heart when people call me out on slacking lol ):

Anyways. News. I have a boyfriend now!! He's awesome and he's a crazy talented musician!! His name is "Complexive" if you want to check him out. (:

Also... I'm moving! I'm moving about two hours northwest in April and I'm undergoing a huge career change. It's just a lot. My whole family lives here (I grew up here). And now it's just going to be me and Charlotte, my dog, alone in a big city. It's scary but I'm really excited for this new chapter of my life.

I'm going on vacation to LA next week with Mitchell (bf) so that'll be fun and hopefully rejuvenating.

Overall, I'm just busy busy busy, but I haven't forgotten about you. Again, please don't worry about me! I've just been, essentially, extremely lazy.

As always, I thank you so much for being patient with me.

You'll hear from me soon.

Love, Samantha

Love, Samantha

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