VI | The Other Side

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You knock—four times to be exact. You wait. You hear someone walking towards the door on the other side. The black door labeled "541" opens. It's Jungkook. There stands the most handsome man, wearing a black t-shirt, silver basketball shorts and very wet hair—he must have just gotten out of the shower. "Come in, come in" he says, sweetly. You walk in, and the hotel room is nice, but nothing extraordinary like you thought. There are two queen-size beds, a huge bathroom, a TV, a mirror, closet, etc. 

Jungkook happily invites you to sit down

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Jungkook happily invites you to sit down. You sit on one of the beds, facing the other bed, still holding your purse. "I can take that for you," he says. "Thank you", you say, and hand him your purse. He goes and places it on the coffee table by the window. He comes back to join you and sits on the other bed, facing you. "I'm Jungkook", he says, smiling. You giggle and shyly say "I'm Y/n". "What a pretty name" he responds. You blush and thank him. "I can't believe I'm here," you admit, "Why am I?" He laughs, "you're the one who came here. You tell me why you're here". "Well you invited me! ...Didn't you?" you ask, "yes, I did," he says, "I saw you in the crowd and I thought you were beautiful. I wanted to meet you, so I asked Joon to help me meet you". You stare in disbelief. "Well, I've always wanted to meet you", you tell him. "Here I am", he says, smiling at you with that precious smile.

 "Here I am", he says, smiling at you with that precious smile

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"Is this your own room or do you share it?" you ask. "It's all mine," he says. You respond, "What do we do? Aren't you tired?". "I am tired, but not too tired to spend time with you", he says. Your face gets sore from smiling, but you can't help it. You wonder what is going to come of this. You take a moment to really examine him; his long, silky hair, the smooth skin on his face, the intense bone structure of his jaw. Your eyes make their way down his neck. He's so close, you could reach out and touch him. 


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Before you can look further, he asks you, "Do you like wine?", "Of course", you respond. "What kind do you like?" he inquires. "Hmm...", you think, "wait," he says, "don't tell me". He sits forward, his face inches away from yours; your knees lightly touching each other's. He looks into your eyes and you shutter with nerves. He makes a pondering face and after a few seconds, he says "I know", and he gets up and walks over to a cart full of wine. You watch him read through bottles. He pulls one—it's white (good choice, Jungkook), and pours two glasses. He walks back over to you. "Do you trust me?" he asks. "hmm, I don't know...", you tease. He hands you the glass. It smells of sweet grapes. "Do you like white wine?" he asks. "I do," you respond, "I actually don't drink red wine; most of them aren't vegan". "I guess I'm lucky", he smiles, and he sticks his glass out to you. "To adventures", he toasts. You touch your glass to his and you cheers. You take a sip of the sweetest wine you've ever tasted. It tastes like peaches. "Mmmmm", you hum, "Moscato". "That's right," Jungkook says. "I love 'sweet'", you tell him. "I know", he smirks, "I can tell".

"How was your day?", he asks you

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"How was your day?", he asks you. You think for a second and respond, "It was great. I woke up early, went for a walk, made breakfast, got ready and went to a concert I've been waiting to go to for months, and now I'm here". "What concert did you go to?" he jokingly asks. You laugh and tell him "BTS—they aren't that popular. You've probably never heard of them". He laughs and says "You're right. I have no idea. They sound terrible". You both laugh together. You ask him about his day and he tells you all about it—the travel, the show, the food they ate, the phone call he had with his parents...he speaks slowly with you and his English is a little broken, but he is perfect.  

"Another round?" you suggest. "Of course," he smiles. He gets up to pour two more glasses. "Do you want the lights on or off?" he asks. You pause and think...

"Turn them off".

"Turn them off"

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