XXV | Something's Not Right

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You walk back toward the restaurant and peek through the windows to make sure the coast is clear. You walk in together, and both go to the restrooms to clean up before returning to the table. You go in the women's bathroom and run into Nabi, who's on a phone call. Startled, she rushes off the phone so she can greet you. "Hey, girl," she says, but she doesn't sound as cheery as she normally does; she actually sounds a bit flustered. Maybe she's tired. "Hello," you respond, awkwardly. You wonder if she saw you and Jungkook. "Where have you been?" she asks. "Oh," you say, "I was on the terrace with Jungkook". She takes a look at your messy hair and frazzled demeanor. She smiles, "Did you just...?" she asks. You blush and avoid the question. "GIRL!" she says, laughing. "I know, I know", you respond, embarrassed. "Ugh," she says, "to be young and in love again". "In love", you think, as you walk toward one of the stalls. As you reach to push the door open, Nabi says, "Hey, um, can I use some of your makeup to touch up?" "Yeah, of course," you respond, reaching into your purse, "what do you need?". "Everything", she laughs, "I can just find everything so you can use the bathroom", she suggests. "Sure, take whatever you need", you say, and hand her your purse. You proceed to go to one of the stalls and use the bathroom, listening to Nabi rummaging through your bag. You really want to tell her about Jungkook. You think she'd be happy for you.

You leave the stall and walk back toward the sinks. Nabi is touching up her eyeshadow with one of your makeup brushes. "Nabi, I want to tell you something," you say, as you wash your hands, "but really quickly, because I think Jungkook is waiting for me". "What happened?" she asks, intrigued. "Um, well," you start, "Jungkook's been really sweet with me. I care a lot about him. I can feel it... Anyways, we were looking at the stars, and he was holding me...and I told him...". "What did you tell him?!" she asks you, impatiently. "I told him...that I could fall in love with him", you confess. "GIRL! What did he say?!" she asks. "He said...he could fall in love with me, too" you reply. "Awwww...", Nabi says, "Jungkook in love...". She looks at you, smiling. You can see her eyes fill with tears. "Are you okay?" you ask her. "Yeah, I'm fine", she says, "just a little wine-happy. I'm happy for you", she smiles. But even though she's happy, you see the sadness in her eyes; the same sadness you have. She may be happy for you, but you know in the back of her mind, she knows it's heading toward a dead-end, and she sympathizes with you. "Y/n," she starts, "I probably won't see you later tonight. In case I don't see you tomorrow, I just want you to know you're a special girl. You're intelligent and cultured and you're so good-hearted. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. I've never seen Jungkook so giddy about a girl. I've never seen him so affectionate with someone when other people are around. It's been an honor being able to work with you and hang out with you. I mean it. I had a lot of fun". A tear streams down her face. You hug her. "Nabi," you say, "don't cry! You're so sweet. You've helped me so much and you've been so kind to me. Thank you for everything. I feel like I found a friend in you". You really are grateful for her. In the short amount of time you've known her, she's given you MAJOR big-sister vibes. You don't know what you would have done without her during all of this. Your mind flashes back to the moment she walked into your hotel room and hugged you; to her smirking at you doing Jungkook's makeup in the dressing room; to the excitement on her face when she saw you in your dress for the first time. You hold back your tears, but a few escape. Finally, you break the hug. Sniffling, you start putting your makeup back in your purse from the counter. Nabi clears her throat and says, "If I don't see you tomorrow, do me a favor and just give the brooch to Joon, okay?". "Okay", you say, smiling. You walk toward the door, but Nabi says, "You go ahead; I still have another call I have to make". It's strange that she's making phone calls at midnight, but you don't put too much thought into it. You walk out to a visibly happy Jungkook. "Crying? Are you okay?" he asks you, noticing your pink nose and watery eyes. "I'm fine", you assure him, and he escorts you back to the table.

"Wooooww!!", all the boys say when you show up to the table. Namjoon gets out to let you back in. "You know it's been like...40 minutes, right?" he says. Jungkook laughs and says something in Korean. When you sit down, you notice the members have switched spots in the booth, as they're all done with their food. Taehyung and Namjoon are still on the ends, but now you're sitting next to Yoongi. You notice Joon is still missing from the other table. You hope he's okay. You and Jungkook finish the last of your sushi. You hear Namjoon talking to Taehyung about the science museum you plan to go to, tomorrow. Then you hear them mention Joon. "What are they saying?" you ask Jungkook. "Taehyung is going to tell Joon to call the science museum to have it closed down tomorrow", he tells you. It's crazy how celebrities people have that power—to just shut down an entire business for a day, or to shut down an entire street.

"So", Jungkook starts, "do you like pancakes?" he asks you. You giggle at the random topic. "Yes, I do" you reply. "Good!" he says, "Because tomorrow, we can have a pancake breakfast...with chocolate chips and whipped cream. All vegan". "That sounds amazing!" you tell him, as you weave your arm in his, resting your head on it. He holds your hand. Out of nowhere, Yoongi starts talking to you. "Are you excited for tonight?" he asks, shy about his English. "I am!" you respond, "What are we going to do?". "Hmm," he says, "maybe swimming, maybe dance...and sing karaoke. Are you in?!" he asks you with enthusiasm. "Of course I am," you laugh. "Now's your chance", you think to yourself. How do you word it? You're a little drunk, so you just decide to go for it. "Yoongi," you say, "I wanted to tell you something". He looks at you, attentively. "I've been listening to your music for a really long time, and I wanted you to know I really appreciate you as an artist—as a producer, as a writer, as a rapper...your first mixtape got me through a lot, so I just wanted to say thank you". "Wow", he responds, "thank you". He bows his head. Jungkook rubs your arm in support.

You keep talking about your plans for the night, when suddenly, you hear arguing...or just yelling? You look up—you didn't even notice Taehyung had left the table, but you see him across the way...with Joon! Taehyung looks upset. His voice is raised and he's throwing his hands around as he speaks. Something's not right. You point it out to Jungkook, who points it out to Namjoon. You all watch for a moment. Namjoon goes over to see what the problem is. Everyone is now watching them talk, and you can physically see Namjoon's energy completely shift, as he begins to get frustrated, too, cutting into the conversation. Namjoon and Joon start arguing.

Taehyung storms off, toward the table. Before the other members can ask him what's wrong, he begins going off in Korean. Whatever he's saying starts to really upset all the other members, too, including Jungkook, who's unraveled his arm from yours. They become very loud with disagreement. You wish you knew what they were saying. Joon and Namjoon walk over to the table and everyone starts yelling over each other. "What's going on?" you ask Jungkook. He, however, doesn't respond. Instead, Jungkook angrily asks something to Joon. Joon calmly responds, causing Jungkook to slam his napkin down and storm off toward the restrooms and terrace. The other members get louder and angrier and Joon remains calm, trying to keep the peace. You get up to follow Jungkook. Namjoon grabs your arm. "Don't," he says, "give him a minute". "What is going on?" you demand...



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Love, always,

Samantha Michelle

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