XVI | Full Disclosure

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About two minutes after, you look out the window and watch him and Joon get into a black car and drive off. This time, there's no paparazzi. Is it pathetic that it makes you sad to see him go? Is it even more pathetic that you feel it makes him sad as well? Your phone is charging relatively quickly. You take the key card and stare at it for a second and think about how mind-blowing this experience is. Nobody would ever believe you—not that you could tell anyone, anyways...you signed that contract. Nabi knocks on the door. You put the key card in your wallet, take your phone and charger and head out.

"Hey girl, our Uber will be here in two minutes!" Nabi tells you. "I'm so excited. I've never been shopping downtown before", you share. "I've never shopped in this city, either", she responds, "I'm sure we'll find some good stuff". You get in the elevator together and press the button for the floor level. "You know...I think he really likes you", she discloses. "Why do you say that?", you ask. "I've never, EVER seen him act like this. He picked you up and hugged you in front of me and Joon. He gave you access to his hotel room and INVITED YOU TO DINNER. That's UNHEARD OF", she says. "I haven't thought about it like that," you confess, "I just assumed he does the same shit with every girl, but I've been trying not to think about it". "No, no, no", she corrects you, "I'm not supposed to say anything. I could get in trouble, so don't repeat this. But other members...Yoongi, for instance...maybe would have picked some groupie, brought her back stage, had her sign the paper, done his thing with her and let her hang out for maybe 5 extra minutes before he 'have to go' and they call her an Uber. The other members...maybe do something like this on vacation. Not at concerts. It's too risky". The elevator finally reached the bottom and you step out. There's no one around, so you ask, "Has...Jungkook done this before?". She hesitates..."I really shouldn't be telling you any of this..." she sees the concern in your eyes, "Yes, yes he has brought one girl back, but he made her leave in the middle of the night". "How do you know? Did you do her makeup too?" you ask, not feeling so special anymore. "No. God no. I would never. I mean, I did with you but that's because you were spoken highly of and I wanted to meet you. But Joon told me about it. He was the one who had to get that crying girl home safely". You don't ask anymore questions. "Thank you for being honest with me. I promise I will never repeat any of that", you say.

You walk out the front doors and your Uber is already there

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You walk out the front doors and your Uber is already there. You both get in the back. You look at the clock. It's 1:00 pm. "We'll be there in 8 minutes", Nabi tells you, "so...tonight. Tonight, you are my intern. You're going to follow me around. People might ask you questions. You're sorry but you are not qualified to answer questions. People might ask you to do things and you're sorry but you're working for me. Got it?" she asked in a friendly tone. "Got it" you respond, "I'm a little nervous. What if I mess something up?" "You won't. Don't worry. So I think we should get you something to wear at your new job and something nicer for dinner tonight". "Yeah, that sounds good. I suck at shopping though. I have no sense of style," you tell her. "Did you forget who you're shopping with? I got you, girl. There are a few places I found that I think we should go to" she responds. "Right here is fine," she tells the driver. He pulls over. You look around and you're right in the heart of downtown. You open the door, thank the driver and get out.

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